Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Cherries and Crabapples

I've come back to a city in bloom. Of course, I've only been away for a few days, so the difference isn't that dramatic. But the trees are more fully in flower and the streets are ornamented with pink and purple and red, against a backdrop of bright, fresh green.

These crabapples border a vast complex of rugby fields, and yesterday Olga and I walked the semi-circular public path around the property to get a better look. (The minute I came home late yesterday morning Olga was prancing around me expectantly, wanting a walk. It's probably been hard on her too, this period of my absence and Dave's illness and inactivity. If she noticed that I cheated on her with Maybelline, she forgave me instantly.)

By the way, I never before realized that we can see Wembley Stadium so clearly from this point. Or if I did, I forgot. It's at the far right in the distance in the photo above.

It's a beautiful time of year in London!

Dave and I are off to the hospital this morning to get him admitted and get the surgery underway. I'm counting on being there all day. Thanks for all your good wishes!


  1. Hugs to you both and I hope all goes well!

  2. Welcome back. I was in London over the weekend and looked out for Olga but I didn't see her. One day we went to Lullingstone Country Park and Eynsford - just beyond the M25. It was lovely there in the sunshine. It can be reached by train from central London but I drove there. Fingers crossed for Dave as he submits to the surgeon's knife.

  3. beautiful pictures, thank you! sending prayerful thoughts for Dave!

  4. surgery is always a little scary. sending good thoughts for an easy time of it.

  5. All will be well and soon this will all be behind you. Sending love.

  6. I'm confused. You guys are supposed to drive on the "wrong " side of the road? Your road photo looks like the cars are on the right? All the best to Dave.

  7. Beautiful photos today! It does look like spring! Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

  8. Hope all went well today, Steve. Those trees are gorgeous.
