Sunday, March 2, 2014

Spring Walk to Putney

The bad thing about working 1 1/2 jobs is that my walking time -- at least, my time devoted to walking anywhere other than to or from work -- is severely curtailed. Yesterday I made it a point to take the camera out for a long walk on what turned out to be a nice, intermittently sunny spring-like day.

I walked from Notting Hill all the way down to Putney, crossing the Thames at Putney Bridge and then walking back up again, winding through Fulham and Kensington -- 11 miles altogether, according to my calculations.

As you can see, some blooming things are beginning to appear, like the crocuses in a small park off King's Road and the white tree above, in Bishop's Park near Fulham Palace.

After spending some time watching teams of rowers slice up and down the Thames, I stopped for lunch at a Costa coffee shop, where I had a coffee and a tuna melt and this peculiar gingerbread cookie.

The display touted it as some type of barnyard animal. Cow? Pig? Your guess is as good as mine, but I thought it was cute. The receipt called it a reindeer, which I find highly suspect.

I also unexpectedly ran into one of my coworkers on my walk -- what are the odds?! She was out with her husband and they told me where to find Freddie Mercury's house, which they had just stumbled across themselves. That will be the subject of an upcoming post!

The daffodils are out in Brompton Cemetery, too.

I didn't take Olga with me -- as I've pointed out, it's just too hard to take photos while trying to control the dog, and in any case this probably would have been too far for her. I did get tons of pictures, though, so the blog will be well-fueled. Today is Olga's walking day. Back to the park we'll go!


  1. It looks like a cow-pig hybrid. Reindeer? No way.

    So wonderful to see spring blooms. We are still weeks away from the wonder of spring. I'm trying to be patient.

  2. Eleven miles? Man, I hope you slept good last night. Walking is good for the soul as well as the body. Thanks for sharing what you saw.

  3. Love love love the flowers! We're getting more snow today. Yay. Sigh.

  4. Spring has sprung! Well, in your neck of the woods anyway. Here in NJ we are yet again awaiting another snow storm. Something tells me we will go right into summer. Love the shots and that has got to be a piggy!

  5. OH! Spring! What's that? Love the crocus shot. It's nice to know that spring is out there somewhere. Here March is coming in like a lion, so we can only hope it goes out 'like a lamb' according to plan!

    I think the cookie looks piggish with that nose for sure. Reindeer? nah.

  6. That eleven miles was well spent! It's funny that you've mentioned Freddy Mercury -- just tonight I watched, again, a hilarious video of Paul Rudd and Jimmy Kimmel doing karaoke, and Paul Rudd's version of Mercury was hilarious!

  7. It's good to see all that blooming going on!
