Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Garden Cam, with New Rake

So far, our fancy garden cam hasn't picked up any wildlife of note. The only clear images of a four-legged creature we've obtained have been of Olga.

We did get a photo of a blurry streak, undoubtedly a fox, and two more of a pair of glowing eyes -- probably the same fox. But the camera seems best at taking pictures of us...

For example, here's Dave, gardening in his pajamas.

For about a week we had four leftover chicken balls (battered and fried spheres of ground chicken) from an order of Chinese food in the back of our refrigerator. We finally decided on Sunday night that we weren't going to eat them, so I put them out near the camera, hoping to attract our fox.

That's me, putting out the chicken balls.

Did the fox show up? Well, possibly. Something ate the chicken. But we didn't get any pictures of it. Could the fox be so savvy that it knows how to disable garden cams?

The most photographed subject this week was me, raking leaves with our new rake -- a total of 48 pictures, which I was able to string together into a rather entertaining animated* image:

Meanwhile, we're still holding out for a good fox pic!

*This image should be moving. If it's not, and you're reading this in an e-mail or reader, check out the blog site to see it. If it still doesn't move, give it a few minutes to load. Hopefully it will work for you!


  1. It very much worked for me, and I LOVE IT!

  2. Oh no!! A new rake - the beginning of a new era in gardening at your place.

    The leaf-raking animation made me laugh out loud; after a minute I had to stop watching it. I felt very dizzy...

    Ms Soup

  3. Entertaining though it left me a bit dizzy, too.

  4. I enjoyed your leaf raking and wish I could work that fast. We have so many oak leaves and acorns to rake up.

  5. It worked for me. we raked leaves the first year or two we were here. now we use the riding lawnmower to mulch them and leave them in place. really though, after he mows over them you can't see much trace of them.

  6. When you're in Florida next, come by and bring your rake. Okay? Thanks.

  7. Nice job on raking the leaves! That was fun to watch.

  8. There's something very satisfying about seeing those leaves get raked up quickly. The process seems so slow when one is actually doing it!

  9. We mow our leaves too - but really we don't get very many (since we have no actual trees on our property). Love the "film" - I should have Mike do one of me the next time I mow. After I lose about 50 pounds. Ha!

  10. this post warms my heart, Jammie gardening ! Adorable. Raking leaves seems futile here, the wind just gathers them up from somewhere else and scatters them where the rake has been, I admire your little film very much, and the scattering of chicken balls. Very good, carry on Lads, one night you will capture ...the illusive, clever, camera disabling FOX!!

  11. There's something weirdly hypnotic about watching someone else rake leaves in time-lapse.
