Saturday, July 16, 2016

Back to England

This sign used to stand atop a pole in front of a mobile home park near the house where I grew up. I always liked it as a kid. I'm not sure why they took the pole away, but now the sign is attached to a fence. What do you suppose got covered up by the word "HOME"? Do the Disney people know about this?

Well, this evening I fly back to England. I gotta say I am ready to go. I love my family, but I want to get home.

Last night I went out to dinner with my step-sister, her husband and their cousin, who I suppose is my...step-cousin? (It's all so complicated.) She's 15 years younger than me, and I hadn't seen her since she was about five -- so it's been a while. I think Duran Duran was still making hit records! Anyway, we had a good time at a posh little restaurant and then went to a bar that was far swankier than anything I knew existed in north Tampa. I had wine but kept it to a minimum for fear of awakening the gastritis monster.

Speaking of which, that's been much better since I began taking my Nexium last week. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday morning in London. Another good reason to go home.

This is what's waiting for me:

Dave sent that picture via Facebook this morning. Look at Olga, soaking up the London sunshine! The brown thing on the grass is Dave's favorite sweatshirt, though, so I guess it must not be super warm, at least in the early mornings. Here in Florida, it's hard to imagine that it's not sweltering everywhere.


  1. Looks like the cover of the book
    The curious tale of the dog in the nightime

    Welcome back

  2. So much green in that picture! I miss green and lushness -- it's so dang dry out here. I wish you safe travels and a speedy recovery for those digestive issues!

  3. I love your photos of Florida which show its unique personality. Have a good flight home!

  4. Safe travels back home! I know what you mean about the heat. It's always hard for me to pack for a trip when it's summer here. I simply can't imagine that I might need a jacket or scarf at my destination. That probably explains my collection of souvenir umbrellas.

  5. I have been loving your photos , very strange place! Another world! Happy flight(ugh), stay well and safe...IT is still winter here.Olga looks unbothered.

  6. You've done a lot on your short trip to Florida but, I know it's always nice to get back home.

  7. Olga leads such a hard life - I hate to see her suffer so. Speaking of suffering - I'm feeling much better since I started taking Nexium too.

  8. It's always good to get home and you've visited your family quite a bit this year seems like. Olga looks in need of a walk.

  9. Is this to show you what you've been missing, or to show you what needs doing once you're home !
    Safe journey home.

  10. Safe travels back to your authentic English garden!
