Sunday, July 10, 2016


Some crazy decision-making has been going on around here lately.

I mentioned a few days ago that I was having trouble with my stomach -- gastritis, which I've had before. Well, two nights ago, I had a terrible night. I couldn't sleep, and I had all sorts of dramatic abdominal pain. Back in the UK I would have gone to the doctor. But here, I have no comprehensive medical insurance -- I have a travel policy which covers me for some emergencies, like accidents, but not for pre-existing illnesses.

I decided to cut my trip short and fly back to the UK. It sounds drastic, and it meant I couldn't visit my mom and brother in Jacksonville. But I didn't want to spend a miserable week sleepless and in pain, with no way to address the problem.

I changed my airline ticket to fly out today. My family took the news well, and I Skyped with my mom yesterday to make up for it.

But then, of course, having made that change, I had a much better day. I've been continuing to take my Nexium, and I watched what I ate. I skipped alcohol and drank weaker coffee. (Because I am NOT ABOUT to give up coffee entirely.) Last night I slept like a rock and woke up feeling fine.

So then I had a million doubts. Should I really fly home early? Was I giving in to my own insane health neurosis and hypochondria? I talked to Dave and decided I was being a drama queen.

I changed my ticket back. I'll drive up to Jacksonville today.

I am a nut.

(Photo: Telephone and/or power poles down the street from my dad's house.)


  1. Happy you are feeling nut ha ha

  2. All this changing of tickets must cost money. You are such a big nut you must be a coconut. I hope you continue to feel better and enjoy the rest of your Florida trip.

  3. And you know what? Just the act of flying can mess you up. I had a gall bladder attack on a plane once and it was agony. Simply agony.
    And the change in routine and food- they can all bring on the symptoms of something quite innocent but scary.
    I'm just glad you're okay.

  4. you must buy that ticket insurance so you don't get hit with big fees for making changes. you can still go to a doctor here, you know, without insurance. and if you offer to pay cash or tell them you self pay, many will give you a discount.

  5. I think there is nothing worse than feeling sick when you are out of your medical comfort zone so I understand completely. But, I'm glad the Nexium kicked in and you are feeling better. Since I travel on my own most of the time, I worry about the same thing. I guess I should look into travel insurance and see how it works.

  6. I your situation I can see why you'd rather travel home than be treated in the U.S. No You're not a nut.

  7. I had to give up tea and coffee completely and although I miss it, the relief is worth it. And I find if my stomach acts up in spite of my meds, some Tums will help as a temporary measure. I think Rolaids do the same thing although I haven't tried them. Hopefully you won't need this advice and get to finish out your holiday as planned!

  8. P. S. From the title I thought you had a car accident - which would have medical implications of a similar kind!

  9. Yikes!! I hope you can get through the remainder of your trip without anymore problems. Hi to your Mom.

  10. Please stay better so you can enjoy your time in Florida. It is a comfort that your family is so understanding.

  11. Flying home in pain would have been awful so I'm really glad you're feeling better. Try not to absorb the cosmic sadness of the week. I'm wrapping my own sadness in love, corny as that sounds, it helps.

  12. Have you considered that it might be your gall bladder and you have stones? That's kind of what it sounds like because it can come and go but is extremely painful. You need an ultrasound!
