Friday, February 8, 2013

A Good Review

As of this afternoon, it's February break at school -- which means I don't have to round up substitute teachers for an entire week! I won't have to contend with that sinking feeling when the phone rings at 6:05 a.m. (Or even worse, 7:05 a.m.) And I'll be able to watch a movie in the evening without risk of interruption. What luxury!

I had my six-month review yesterday, and my bosses are happy with my performance. So I guess I'll stay gainfully employed. Always a good thing.

I did have an opportunity to take a photography walk yesterday. I took the tube up to Kilburn and walked south to school, where I had my review meeting. I also got a discounted lunch at a nearby cafe, courtesy of a gift voucher we received at Christmas from one of Dave's students (or maybe from the school itself, I'm not sure). The voucher was for £7 and my lunch was £11 -- so I still had to shell out some shekels -- but it was a treat nonetheless. I even got a cinnamon bun for dessert.

It's the little things, you know?

When I got back home yesterday afternoon Olga was fine, but all the throw rugs in the apartment were in a pile in the living room. She'd built herself a nest! We've already learned we need to close the bedroom door when we leave or she drags our shoes around the house. We think she likes them because they remind her of us, but we may be flattering ourselves.

(Photo: On Pembridge Road in Notting Hill, yesterday.)


  1. What a great shot! Love how you caught her right in-between the flags against the mural. Love all the colors! Did you wait for long to get this shot? For sure this should go in your next book, if not be featured for the cover! Fab!

  2. So many stories in that picture.
    Enjoy your week of luxurious uninterruption!

  3. I love that picture a lot too - and I'm kind of jealous of her wheeled carrier. If I'm going to continue to bring my crochet bag, lunch bag AND purse to work every day I should get one for myself!

    Love that Olga built herself a nest :)

  4. A great photo telling a story of contrast...young vs. elderly. Well done!

  5. The woman's outfit is killing me -- the boots, the wheeled carrier -- it's almost as if she lives with her granddaughter and borrowed the stuff for the day.
