Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Olga and I took a long walk through Kensington yesterday, wandering once again past the mysterious hat store. There were different hats in the window this time -- or, as I said before, not really hats but "fascinators." These looked a bit like someone's geometry lesson.

You can't quite tell, but the one on the left is made with postage stamps. Personally, I'd go for the sea urchin.

After our walk I left Olga in the apartment while I walked down to the Grand Union Canal to photograph some graffiti I found there yesterday, and to run some errands (like buy dog food). When I got back to the flat I was dismayed to see that Olga had not fallen asleep as I'd hoped, but rather perpetrated all sorts of mischief like eating our mail. Fortunately snail mail these days is never very useful or valuable.

I'll say it again: That dog. Good grief.

I don't have much to say about the Oscars this year. We didn't watch any of the ceremony -- just read about it the next day. We did like "Argo," so I don't have any complaints about that, though I'm surprised it rose to the level of best picture. I'm mystified by Jennifer Lawrence in "Silver Linings Playbook," but that's because I haven't seen it. She seems fairly lightweight and the movie looks like a run-of-the-mill rom-com, but there must be more to it. I guess we need to check it out.


  1. I did like silver linings playbook but was still surprised to see it nominated for so many awards. Its a Rom com with a difference I suppose, because of the mental illness aspect. Definitely worth seeing I'd say. And what a strange little storefront!

  2. "perpetrated all sorts of mischief" has a nice ring to it. Sounds like something I might wanna try before year's end, perpetrating mischief.

    Oh, and thanks for the eye exam; my vision is 20 / 20.

  3. Maybe this is really someone's form of art and is not really a shop? No sign? Very strange.

    As far as wearing the pointy sea urchin on your head you would have to be very careful not to poke someone's eye out or stab them to death. Yikes!

    I do find them very interesting though.

  4. I think I would wear that sort of whitish one in the middle - but the sea urchin is a weapon! At least it would be on my head :)

    I watched a short interview with Jennifer Lawrence after the show & she was HILARIOUS. I haven't seen the movie either - maybe I'll check it out now.

  5. Elizabeth says that Silver Linings was the best movie she saw all year. I trust her.

  6. Those little "hat" things do look dangerous. We haven't been to a movie theater in years, all sticky and gross...we are patient enough for the buzz to wear off or for them to appear on TV. Netflix in jammies suits me these days.
    Olga let you know, I guess, that she will not be bored when you leave...She is such a princess!!!

  7. I loved Silver Linings Playbook and it was my favorite movie of the year after Moonrise Kingdom, I think. It is a standard romantic comedy, but I think the writing was wonderful and every performance perfect. I am not a cheerleader for the feel-good type of Hollywood movie, but this one made me want to stand on my chair and cheer. It had the same zany exuberance of Little Miss Sunshine, so if you liked that, you would like Silver. Jennifer Lawrence is incredibly talented and seems to be handling her celebrity in a charming way. Hopefully, that'll last!
