Thursday, February 7, 2019

Giant Glowing Slugs

Last night after school I went to the Tate Britain to see the giant leopard slugs that have been sliming up its entrance all winter.

The work of artist Monster Chetwynd (which I thought was a great name, until I read that she previously went by Marvin Gaye Chetwynd and Spartacus Chetwynd, and now I don't really know which one is better), the slugs are made of compostable materials and decorated with energy efficient LED lights.

They're only up for a few more days. I heard about them courtesy of fellow blogger Linda Sue, who visited them while on her recent stay in London and posted pictures on Facebook. Thanks, Linda Sue!

Today we have parent conferences at school, so there are no classes -- but there will be plenty of kids running around and something tells me the library will be busy. I need to work on shifting some of the books in our fiction section to make more room on the shelves, so I hope I can get away from the desk long enough to work on that. Plus, I have a second mission-statement focus group to lead. Lord!


  1. I am sure that The Lord will indeed help you with your mission statement.

    Slugs are generally overlooked and underrated and many human beings find them repulsive but they make an important contribution to this planet's fertility. It is good to see them in lights.

  2. Spartacus Chetwyn, hands down. I like it that Mr. Pudding defends slugs. They creep me out and I can not believe that I once considered slurping down a dozen of them to be fine dining. These days I stick to potato chips when I want a taste sensation.

    Those mission statement meetings sound like punishment to me. What out for "mission creep". It's a thing.

  3. I like Marvin Gaye Chetwyn. But that's just me. Whatever the artist calls herself, those slogs are pretty splendid!

  4. Those slugs are very pretty in lights! The banana slug is celebrated in California. I would see them when I lived there, most often during mating season when the redwood forest floors would be full of them. The banana slug is the mascot of the University of California at Santa Cruz! Kudos to the Tate for bringing them to the world's attention.

  5. Monster is pretty cool but so is Spartacus. I don't mind slugs as long as they stay out of my garden but the monsters are pretty cool too. I saw them when Linda sue posted them.

  6. well, all that's going on at school makes life interesting!

  7. Thanks for these photos. I've seen a few day time photos on Instagram but these are the first night shots. I think the Tate Britain is my favorite art museum anywhere.

  8. Those are beautiful slugs.

  9. Very cool slugs! I vote for Sparticus - excellent name!

  10. They are wonderful but some people might get a fright if they happened to be tottering home from the pub and came upon them! :)

  11. They are gorgeous! I may look at slugs in a different light from now on.

  12. At least busy days go more quickly, at least that's what I find. I'm not sure about the slugs. As beautiful as they are, I can't get actual slugs out of my head and now I am faintly gaggy. I know they can't help it, poor things, but . . .

  13. the majesty of these slugs -fabulous! The craftsmanship, sewing hessian together over metal see through frame, lights of life withing, all sparkly. I appreciate slugs more than ever, I help them across the pavement, I squirt them with water, they are marvelous. I got up close to see the work involved, full of admiration! Like kings overlooking the Thames, water forever ruled by the mighty slug!

  14. These are great. And so is her name and her aka's.
