Monday, March 25, 2019

Sunny Spring Walk

Olga and I took a long walk on Hampstead Heath yesterday, where the tips of the branches on the chestnut trees are unfurling like feather dusters. Maybe they're horse chestnuts. In any case, I'm glad to see those fresh green leaves.

It was the first sunny day we've seen in a while. For the past week or so we've been socked in by clouds and gray skies. I was worrying that my garden seedlings weren't getting enough sun on their windowsill!

"I lost myself, let me be you"

Speaking of seedlings, we've had a bit more activity. Another burdock and one of the honesty seeds have sprouted. Still only one dahlia, and no hogweed, foxglove, lavender or zinnia. I'll give them at least another week.


  1. I can see the words "I LOST MYSELF..." carved into the tree bark but I can't make out the rest. Whoever wrote it should have invested in a London A to Z.

  2. Bluebells are just appearing in my dog walking woods.

  3. I took a walk on my aunt's property yesterday - she wanted me to see the profusion of Bloodroot. What a terrible name for such a lovely little white flower! I was wishing I had somewhere like that to walk every day.

  4. It's so amazing that you, living in London, have such a lovely plethora of places to walk in nature.

  5. our pecan trees started budding out a week or so ago and new leaves sprouting too. winter is officially over now.

  6. Nothing like the first green leaves in spring. The air smells different and much better.

  7. I'm glad you are giving those seedlings another week. I'm hoping they sprout for you.

  8. Those brand new leaves are always a welcome sight. Even here in the desert, I enjoy seeing the trees burst out with new leaves.

  9. It's warming here and my neighbor has already put out his garden. Phoenix is forecast to top out at 90 degrees on Tuesday (and it's still March!)

  10. I love the neon green of spring leaves!

    Hope your seeds sprout.

  11. I love those branches and shadows! Beautiful photo.
