Saturday, December 21, 2019

The News of the Day

I found this poster hanging in Soho on my last visit -- it's called "MADe in America" by artist Ben Turnbull. The portrait of Donald Trump is a collage, created from images of Alfred E. Neuman, the famously gap-toothed mascot of Mad magazine. Apparently Turnbull had an art show in Bermondsey this fall, but I didn't hear about it until it was over. I might have gone had I seen this poster sooner!

As long as we're talking about Trump, there's also this:

It's a pillow I found on a carpeted bench beneath a staircase at school, where the high school kids hang out. I'm not entirely sure what the rodent signifies -- is it saying Trump is a rat? A mouse? Or is it just a fun portrait using his immediately recognizable coiffure? You got me.

I really don't want to get TOO political, because it exhausts me, but let me just gloat for a second over this headline from The New York Times, a few days ago:

It will probably all be a futile exercise, in terms of outcome -- because the Republicans aren't about to unseat him -- but golly, that headline was still wonderful to behold. The Times ran an interesting article comparing the situations facing Richard Nixon in 1974 with Trump now. Although their impeachable offenses are similar, Trump faces a much more forgiving constituency today, with partisan loyalty paramount and a weakened, less-trusted media to hold him to account. Not to mention a Supreme Court that probably tilts in his favor.

We can only hope voters remember all this turmoil in the next election cycle. It's fascinating to me how much support Trump still has, but let's face it -- there are a lot of rich and powerful people who see him as an asset, and they'll do all they can to keep him in the White House, including manipulate reality (via Fox News) to mobilize pro-Trump voters.

Olga's dog-sitter is coming to collect her this morning, and we've got to get ourselves ready for Egypt. We leave early tomorrow morning. (Our flight is at 7 a.m. -- ugh!) Dave bought a new suitcase -- his Christmas present to himself -- and I'm still wrestling with whether to bring along "David Copperfield." I've read about 625 pages, but I still have about 250 to go! It's really good but I don't think I ever realized how long it is.

I keep thinking about that scene in "Gone With the Wind" where Melanie begins reading "David Copperfield" aloud as the women wait for their husbands to return home from their vigilante raid on the squatters' camp outside town. If she were to read the whole book, I think they'd have wrapped it up just in time for the Nixon administration!


  1. I have a feeling that I read an abridged version of David Copperfield when I was young (teenager I think). I am sure I never read an 800-odd page version! David Copperfield was written (as were many of Dickens' books) as a serial between 1849-50, so Charles could afford to ramble on a bit - a bit like modern TV soap operas. Nineteenth century readers were fond of garrulous books. Even the original title of David Copperfield was (and I kid you not): "The Personal History, Adventures, Experience and Observation of David Copperfield the Younger of Blunderstone Rookery (Which He Never Meant to Publish on Any Account)." Which makes it one of the more loquacious and longwinded titles of a book that I have ever heard of.

  2. Have a great trip. I am already looking forward to your pictures.

  3. If the headline had read "TRUMP IMPEACHED: MASS MURDER AND PAEDOPHILIA", the Republicans in the Senate would have still got behind their man and Trump would still have been tweeting his crazy outrage.

  4. Truly disturbing is to watch interviews with his supporters at rallies. I cannot imagine the outrage they are feeling; good! But they all look unhinged (and they all seem to be carrying guns [seriously]). It is exhausting living w/this nonsense day after day.

    I rarely comment but read your blog every day; enjoy it so. Have a great trip & wonderful holiday!

  5. Here's something interesting- I often check in to a pro-Trump FB page and there has been almost no posting on it in weeks. No idea if that's an indication of anything but...perhaps?
    Oh, Steve! You're going to Egypt! I'm so excited for you.
    May it be wonderful!

  6. The Republican party is becoming so alarming that the mess in Britain is looking pretty good in comparison. At least Boris Johnson isn't certifiably stupid/pathological/venal. I guess..
    I'm impressed by your ambition to cart something the size of David Copperfield all the way to Egypt.
    Oh, and have a great trip!!

  7. Message to Marty >>>> You have got Johnson all wrong. He is precisely the things you say he is not! (At least in my humble opinion). Trump is his template.

  8. I'm going to go with the "rat" theory. (But I guess mouse could fit also.) . It truly is exhausting to watch him and his followers day after day.
    I wouldn't take that big book with me on this trip. Just set it aside until you return and take something a bit smaller. That's what I do all the time. It's the kind of book you can pick up an finish later. Have a wonderful trip. I'm looking forward to photos and reports.

  9. Have a wonderful journey to Egypt. I'm looking forward to the photos and the stories. Bon voyage!

  10. I jealous of your trip to Egypt. I've been fascinated with ancient Egypt since I was about 14.

  11. It's a sad day when money controls the political system and law, rules and tradition. Have a good trip.

  12. Egypt Time!!! Oh Baby!! The Dude Flys Out In 7 Days For Egypt. I Am Way Excited For You All. Also, Does The Dog Sitter Know That Olga Has A Daily Allotment Of Just Because Treats??? Two Walks A Day?!?!? Sure Hope So.

    But Seriously, Travel Safe, Be Well, & Capture The Moments In Time.
    Big Hugs

  13. Safe travels and enjoy Egypt! I'm excited we get to go on another trip with you!

  14. I'm trying to stay alive long enough to read Robert Caro's final book on LBJ, if he ever publishes it!

  15. The Orange Gas will not be unseated , but , with impeachment, he can not be pardoned, So there is that. LOVE the poster , the pillow is too adorable to represent the Orange thing. Happy Christmas to you and Dave and Olga , the queen of all pitties.

  16. I'm so tired of seeing THAT FACE. Even in jest. Even when poking fun. Let's take all the Drump paraphernalia and make a big ol' bonfire.

    Bon voyage! Safe travels and enjoy the hell out of it.

  17. I think you might be insane to take that huge book. I would get the ebook for those last couple hundred pages. You could even check it out from the library to read on your phone! 😊

    Have fun on your trip!

  18. Wishing you and Dave safe travels. I am looking forward to hearing all about it.

  19. I hope Olga enjoys her stay with the dog sitter. You have a wonderful and safe trip. Hugs, Edna B.

  20. That cushion is an insult to rodents everywhere!

    Have a great trip :)
