Monday, April 15, 2013

Sunday in the Park

The sun came out, temperatures climbed and we had an unusually nice day yesterday, so Dave and I took Olga to Hyde Park, to let her run around off-leash. She had a great time, as usual. The two of them briefly grabbed a bench near the monument to John Hanning Speke, who traced the Nile River to its headwaters at Lake Victoria.

There were lots of people out and about, some relaxing beneath trees with a book, others romping with dogs and children. You know, the kinds of things people do in parks.

The buds are popping on the horse chestnuts -- at least, I think that's what kind of tree this is! It will be nice to have some greenery again.

Most of the trees right now are still twigs.


  1. Beautiful photos, especially the last two...

  2. Most of our trees are still twigs too, although the grass is green. Mike mowed on Saturday & our yard looks so lovely & springy :)

    LOVE the picture of Olga & Dave - she sure looks perky!

  3. On my trip to North Carolina we were able to watch the progression of spring as we traveled north. It was amazing. And then to see trees which were bare on Monday on Black Mountain sprout new leaves before we left on Sunday was amazing. And back here, in Lloyd, all is green again. The pecans are out, everything is leafing. It happens so quickly!

  4. Spring is sproinging, although sporatically...
    The previous post made me love Olga even more and yes, good for you the big Daddy was not around- Olga may have found a thump on the noggin not at all to her liking.

  5. We are at about the same stage as you for Spring. Some trees are budding, spring bulbs are blooming, but it seems half-hearted this year. Instead of bursting forth everything seems hesitant.

    Horse chestnuts are such beautiful trees. You'll have to come back to this tree when it's all leafed out!
