Monday, June 29, 2015

Bloggers Visit Olga

Yesterday Dave and I had a visit from two other bloggers, Linda Sue from Walk the Dog and Sarah from Circles of Rain. Linda Sue is on one of her periodic visits to London from her home in Washington state, and she and Sarah (who lives in London) came up to West Hampstead -- primarily, I suspect, to meet Olga.

By the time they arrived in early afternoon, Olga was about to jump out of her skin. She was literally shaking in anticipation of a walk. So we had a quick cup of tea, then walked over to Hampstead Heath, where Olga went on immediate Squirrel Patrol.

We climbed up to Parliament Hill to take in the view...

...and then discovered an outdoor concert by a band called Whiskey Moon Face. We liked their music so Linda Sue ponied up for two CDs, one of which she gave me. (Thanks, Linda Sue!)

It was great to see people sitting out in a field of daisies enjoying a sunny afternoon.

Maybe because we made her wait until afternoon for her walk, Olga was especially mischievous. She stole both a soccer ball and a tennis ball from small children (I don't believe the balls were harmed, though the tennis ball was probably slathered with dog spit) and then she settled into this muddy ditch for a belly-roll.

We all went to an outdoor cafe in Hampstead for an afternoon coffee -- I did my best to keep the filthy Olga away from everyone's legs, with limited success -- and then Sarah and Linda Sue boarded the tube in Hampstead. Olga and I made our way home, with a quick stop at a local cemetery to work off some additional canine energy.

Needless to say, someone got an afternoon bath!


  1. How great! I'm still so glad you got to meet Elvis, you know. And of course, my boys.
    And me.

  2. You really are the most dedicated and loving dog owner that I know.
    How great to meet up with fellow bloggers. I love doing that.

  3. What a nice afternoon. Olga certainly looked like she enjoyed herself.

  4. Oh that Olga - acting just like children do with company. :)

  5. Olga is the happiest little power house of a girl I have ever met. Delighted by everything, teasing her lad, the universe centers around this one pup. A day to remember, and on my death bed I will be laughing at Olga's antics, going out on a happy note! Lovely to visit you and Dave,thank you so much for the afternoon. You have a remarkable life, you three! Olga is training you well.

  6. Yes thanks to you, Dave and Olga. It was a great walk. Olga is a sweetie and so funny. I thought she was very well behaved!
