Saturday, June 20, 2015

Submarine Olga

For months now, Olga has been coming home from her outings with the dog-walkers wearing a sopping wet harness. I could never figure out how she was getting so wet. I told the dog walkers that when I take her to the Heath -- the same place she goes with them -- she never gets in the water.

Well, I've given away the punchline with that photo above, but let's just say that yesterday I saw Olga in full aquatic mode. There are some muddy ponds on Sandy Heath, and she walked right into them with no hesitation, drinking all the way. (God only knows what's living in that dog's intestines.)

To my distress, she also took her kong into the water, and it promptly sank. She tried to retrieve it...

...but all she got was a wet face and a dirty forehead.

So I had to take off my socks and shoes, wade into the water and find the kong myself.

I was able to dry off my feet and put my shoes back on -- but Olga had to just live with the dirt. She didn't seem to mind.

And ultimately, it all fell off! I took this shot (above) about half an hour after the pond incident. No visible dirt to speak of. I think staffies are sheathed in teflon.


  1. I'm impressed that you waded in to retrieve a Kong.

  2. Yes, what a good Dad to climb in after her!

  3. Adorable shots of Olga! I too am impressed that you waded into the muddy water.

  4. Goodness! You are a good Olga dad and also- your child is adorable. I wish human children were so easily cleaned after playing in the mud.

  5. Elizabeth: Those Kongs cost £18 each and I am not about to sacrifice one to a muddy pond. :)

    Ms Moon: She's self-cleaning, like an oven!

  6. If humans would enjoy a carefree life like Olga.

  7. You are lucky that she has short hair that the dirt falls off of so easily! I'd go in for the kong too - can't lose a favourite toy! ;-)

  8. so did you maneuver the kong back to shore with your feet soccer style?

  9. My children are not self-cleaning, but luckily they don't play in muddy ponds. These are pros and cons.

  10. Boy my mom would have loved for us to be self-cleaning! When we were kids we would play in RED dirt & get so filthy! Took two baths to get us clean :)

  11. I think I would have bought another Kong!
