Tuesday, September 1, 2015


The world's most slow-witted squirrels have finally figured out how to get into the squirrel feeder.

Not only did they figure it out, they emptied the feeder almost immediately. It's amazing how much a couple of squirrels can eat. (We've seen at least two, but there could be more -- it's hard to tell squirrels apart.)

Dave refilled it, and as I write this, it's empty again.

Olga, meanwhile, sits on the couch watching this parade of feeding rodents, shaking with frustration that she can't go out and chase them. Every once in a while we open the door and she races over to the fence, but of course the squirrels are way ahead of her.


  1. I think squirrels in California are either pumped up on steroids or are really smart because those f**kers can hang from branches and get at any piece of fruit or bird feeder!

  2. Nice photos...the squirrels here chew through screens to get food...Much to the delight of the neighborhood cats.

  3. At last - I could not believe how slow-witted those London squirrels were, or maybe they were simply too well fed on the day.

    Ms Soup

  4. Now that they've found it you'll be filling that feeder all the time! Greedy things.
    Bella caught a squirrel last winter and proudly brought it to the door to show me with it hanging out of her mouth. Not a pretty sight! So, they can be caught, Olga, you just have to time it right.

  5. You may rue the day you lured squirrels to your yard.

  6. I do love squirrels but they are greedy.

  7. what mary moon said. but them i am phobic about rodents.

  8. I'm pretty sure you're safe from an infestation with Olga on the case - and they're so much fun to watch! We love our squirrels.

  9. Clever squiggs! I think your squirrels are like ours in Northern Europe: they don't eat all the nuts and stuff, they also make little caches for the winter or any other time when food isn't easily available.
