Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sunflowers, Orchids and Shelf-Reading

When Dave and I were in Tesco a few days ago, I impulsively bought this bunch of sunflowers. They just looked so, well, sunny. I had to have them, and they do brighten up the living room.

And in other flower news, remember our orchid? The one we got in June from my retiring co-worker? Well, I just want to note for the record that it still looks amazing. I don't know how long orchids are supposed to last but this one has not disappointed!

Yesterday I spent much of the day shelf-reading in the library. (Remember, nearly all middle and high school students, and most faculty -- like Dave -- are on trips away from school this week.) Shelf-reading entails grabbing an iPad, pulling up a listing of all our books in the order in which they should be shelved, and working down the shelves to make sure everything is in its place. It may sound deadly boring, but I find it peaceful and pleasant. I've always been an organizer, and it's rewarding to find books that are in entirely the wrong location. (I think so, anyway!)


  1. Enjoying shelving books in the right order? Try counselling Steve!

  2. Those sunflowers are gorgeous and very cheerful. I have to ask a question about the orchid. I got one last December and the blooms lasted well into the spring and then they finally fell off. I read that I should trim back the stems and continue to keep the soil moist and that it will bloom again. Have you had any experience with that? I've been very good about watering when necessary and the leaves are still healthy and green.

  3. nothing like having a place all to yourself to indulge in some activity you enjoy.

  4. Sharon: I haven't grown a lot of orchids, but when we lived in New Jersey I bought one. When the blooms died back and I was about to move, I gave it to a co-worker. It bloomed for her the following year. So yes, I think you could expect to have another round of blooms.

  5. I get what you mean about the zen of organizing. For me, it feels like I am organizing and smoothing my thoughts as I organize with my hands. It just leaves me feeling peaceful.

  6. Our local libraries could use you.

  7. I was lying in my bed the other morning, sort of mooning about what I would do one day for a living and wishing that I had gotten a degree in library science. In other words, I totally get your peace in shelving -- it sounds divine.

  8. I would love to do that job as well. Books, organising, alphabetising, all favourites.
