Saturday, April 9, 2016

A Boy and His Dog

As I was walking near Regents Park last weekend, I passed this kid and his dog. They were standing together outside a shop, and the boy began kissing and hugging the dog as I approached.

It was hard to tell who was protecting who!

We're having a rainy morning and I'm enjoying my brief break from French class. I think I'm going to lie around and read. I have several issues of The New Yorker to get through, as well as a few other magazines, a big biography of Jack London (which I'm not sure why I'm reading, since I've never been a fan) and my unending journal transcription project. Plenty to do!


  1. Aww - sweet! I woke up to snow on the ground. So glad I mowed yesterday! I have somewhere to go later today (crochet group get-together), but I'm disinclined. I might have to beg off :)

  2. Your photo catches the tremendous bond between children and their pets.

  3. I love those photos and your description. And it's good to have a lazy Saturday, in my opinion.

  4. great shots. ever see the movie A Boy And His Dog?

  5. lovely photos. that little boy looks like every little apple cheeked english boy in every english movie!

  6. Made me tear up
    But ive just had a large gin

  7. Adorable pictures -- the boy looks like someone from another century! So very British! I had to laugh that you're going to read a bio of Jack London. I, too, have never been a fan. Happy slogging! :)
