Thursday, April 14, 2016

Recycling Only

Back to Notting Hill today, to get my teeth cleaned. I'm not anticipating much excitement. I hope I'm right.

Meanwhile, Dave is off to Germany on a school trip, so I'll be fending for myself for the next several evenings. Olga and I will no doubt crash on the couch and watch some good movies. A few nights ago we started watching the BBC miniseries "The Night Manager," based on a John Le Carre novel, and although I really liked it, Dave wasn't convinced. So maybe I'll finish that.

I also need to finish "Brideshead Revisited," which Dave lost interest in around Episode 8. As I've said before, and I mean this in the best possible way: Unless a movie or TV show features photon torpedoes or laser guns, it's a hard sell for Dave. He admits it readily. (Somehow "Downton Abbey" trumped this requirement, and I'm not sure why, but I suspect the presence of Maggie Smith -- with her verbal laser gun -- made the difference.)

Last night I took out the trash and found our recycling bin full of garbage. So I moved the garbage to the correct bin, got a Sharpie marker and wrote on the top of the recycling bins "RECYCLING ONLY." I still don't know which neighbor is responsible for the rubbish-mixing, and I doubt this will help, but at least it will convey the message that some of us care! It will probably also make the neighbors hate me, which I didn't really think about until after I'd done it...

(Photo: Portobello Road, on Tuesday.)


  1. As long as it was merely "recycling only" and not finishing with "you morons", I don't see how the neighbours could possibly mind!! All the best at the dental appt.

  2. If Olga is required to watch films (movies) with you, may I suggest "Digby The Biggest Dog in the World". It will freak her out! However, I guess that you will find it intellectually challenging.

  3. May your choppers gleam brightly...Mr.Pud may be on to something...

  4. I hope the garbage no-hopers can read!

    Ms Arianna Soup

  5. Well at least they put the garbage in something...

  6. "Verbal laser gun", I love that description! It's so true!

  7. I hate to admit this but I don't watch movies. In fact, I don't watch TV. I just can't sit that long.

  8. move your little wild life cam to the front and catch the culprit. Dave and I probably like the same movies although my tastes are a bit broader.

  9. I'm in Dave's camp - although I also enjoy a good romcom too. But give me a disaster movie or a shoot em up blow em up movie & I'm happy :)

  10. sometimes I am all about recycling, buying in bulk so that there is no trash to sort, doing the "right " thing. and then I jump to the other side- fug it all! We just can not fix this broken world I think...I spoke with the trash man and asked, where does it all end up? His reply was not what I wanted to I have justified tossing plastic in with paper occasionally. I will not lose sleep over it. I would be a bad neighbor...
