Friday, April 15, 2016

Unprepared in Little Venice

I'm off today to help lead a group of eighth-graders on a photography expedition through East London. You may remember I did this last year, too. It's a pretty fun outing!

But I'm feeling a bit slammed for time. I've got to get all the trash out for collection this morning (my life is ruled by trash!), get the dog walked, get cleaned up and ready for work and then, first thing upon my arrival at school, I need to make a presentation to the kids about photography. And have I put this presentation together? Only in the barest of terms.

My unpreparedness is the partly result of meeting up with my friend Pam last night for dinner. Pam, who I've known since my days in the Peace Corps 20-plus years ago, lives in the states but works occasionally in London, so when she passes through we usually try to get together. We met near Little Venice, where the Grand Union Canal, Regent's Canal and Paddington Basin come together. (Photo above.) We walked from there to the Victoria, a pub nearer to Hyde Park, and had dinner and a great talk. It's always fun to catch up with Pam.

Olga and I noticed on our walk yesterday morning that all the crocus blooms are already gone from West End Green. They don't last long!


  1. I hope that the photo trip goes well. These days it is a big responsibility taking a bunch of kids away from the school property - insurance, supervision, parent approval etc.. I hope that none of the little darlings get lost or kidnapped.

  2. Enjoy the outing! I KNOW the kids will.
    Oh, to have the sort of life in which one passes through London. Ah me. I can't imagine but I sort of wish I were the sort of person who would/could do that.

  3. what fun for the kids. and you too I bet.

  4. Typical teacher! We don't have enough time so wing it. Catching up with old buddies is important. We should try to never lose touch with friends.

  5. I was recently reading about the Little Venice area. It sounds (and looks from your photo) like a very picturesque place to walk.
    Good luck with he photo tour.

  6. Kids learn best from someone who loves what they do - I'm thinking this will be a fun outing for all of you.

  7. The kids will love whatever you do!
