Tuesday, June 26, 2018


This is Bushra Fakhoury's sculpture "Dunamis," which sits on the wide median on Park Lane. It's been there several years and I've meant to photograph it, but I'm never really in that area. So when I found myself in Mayfair on Sunday night I decided to make a side trip to see the sculpture.

According to the artist, "It symbolizes human struggle to achieve excellence, pushing boundaries to make the impossible possible. We need to prioritize, work positively and relentlessly towards reaching our goals and dreams."

Achieving the impossible for me yesterday meant figuring out how to lug 50 liters of potting compost, a flower pot and a flat of petunias back from Homebase. It may not sound like much, but that's a heavy, cumbersome armful of stuff! I managed, pausing for rest at a few strategic spots along the way, but it could easily have ended in tears. My arms didn't quite work for the rest of the night!

I found the same "Night Sky" petunias I got last year, so I bought them again. I really like that variety, and now they're in the hanging baskets on the front porch and in the back garden, looking better than the bedraggled pansies that had been there for weeks.

According to our weather forecast, we're having cloudless, sunny days all through this week, with high temperatures in the mid-80's. It was the same last week, only a touch cooler. It's like L.A.! It feels like it hasn't rained in ages. I watered the entire garden thoroughly yesterday evening, which took a long time, and the soil soaked it up greedily.


  1. stunning petunias, I have never seen them here. Guess I better move to England...haha.
    You might do well to get a wheelie bag thing, like the old people have to go to market. I have one and it bails me out carrying stuff. My "cool" and dignity have long gone!

  2. Love the petunias, and if you want rain, come on down!

  3. You young whippersnapper! I have advised you before to invest in a shopping trolley. I even gave you a link to Amazon but would you listen to me? Would you? No way. Stubborn Steve!

  4. Interesting sculpture. I had to look twice to see that both photos were of the same thing! An elephant looks slimmer from certain angles :)

    You need a young neighbour (young = 5 years old) who owns a wagon so you can borrow it for errands like that. Never mind YP's shopping trolley!

    I was given a hanging basket of those petunias. It died. I was quite sad because (1) it was a Mother's Day gift from my son, and (2) it was beautiful. I blame the weather; I kept it indoors because it's been too cold at night to leave plants out. I hope yours does better than mine did.

  5. i need a pop up wagon for those heavy hauls. my grandson uses on when he goes fishing...you know they have to take 14 rods and a ton of lures! haha

  6. That sculpture is truly stunning. Why do you suppose the man is wearing that hat? I'm sure there's a reason but it escapes me.

  7. You've got a strong will to live without a vehicle and haul heavier things to your house.

  8. sounds like you need a little red wagon to pull behind you!

  9. Love that sculpture. It's so beautiful! And the petunias are as well. I was just thinking about getting a wagon to pull our heavier shopping home, rather than packing and our backpacks. Sounds like it might be a good idea. Enjoy the sunny weather. We're having it here too, and we know it never lasts!

  10. How about a car, Steve. Perhaps a Morris Mini would do the job.

  11. I've seen pictures of that sculpture but never seen it in person on my trips there. Thanks for the photos. I can't imagine walking home with such a load of things. I'm not sure what direction the Home Base store is from you but I'm picturing an uphill walk.

  12. That sounds terrible! And heavy and cumbersome. Might I suggest the acquisition of one of these?

  13. Interesting sculpture. Hope your petunias last all summer.

  14. That's such a gorgeous petunia variety! And I really really want that collapsible wagon that Allison mentioned up there - in bright red! Although I don't actually have to tote stuff very often... But it's so cool!

  15. What a remarkable sculpture! I love public art -- it's rare that I find anything outside boring, especially when it's unusual and so very dynamic!
