Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Dental Bling

I've been trying to figure out how to photograph this dry cleaning shop -- I love the name and those jazzy dancers on the sign. (I don't think cotton typically requires dry cleaning, but who am I to quibble?) Unfortunately there's a bus shelter in front of it, so a straight-on photo in my normal fashion is out of the question. Hence, the angled shot, which isn't terrible.

I went back to the dentist yesterday to have my new crown, um, installed? (Is that the right word?) I got there promptly at 9 a.m. and as I sat in the waiting room reading David Sedaris I realized I was hearing the song "Show Me Love" again, just like last week. What are the odds? They must have a mix CD on repeat, which probably makes the receptionist crazy. Or maybe there's a different mix for each day of the week and I just happened to hear the Monday mix twice.


There's my crown, on what I believe is a scary model of my own teeth. The dentist acted as if it were the most natural thing in the world for me to want a picture of it. The crown itself is kind of pretty, isn't it? Very shiny. I feel like I should walk around with my mouth open so people can appreciate it.

And unfortunately I may have to, because now that it's installed I can barely close my mouth. I think the crown is too high, because seriously, my other teeth don't quite come together the way they did before. I initially felt like it was even affecting my speech, as if I were holding a marble in my cheek. The dentist says it will feel large for three or four days, but because it's gold and somewhat soft, my chewing will reshape it slightly and it will become more comfortable. If not, he said, I can always go back.

As much as I'd like to hear "Show Me Love" one more time, I want to do my best to stay away from the dentist for a while.


  1. Oh god, that sounds dreadful. I sure hope you chew a lot and you FORGET about that sparkly thing in your mouth! I appreciate and admire your sense of humor. I myself am down on dentists and dental surgeons this week.

  2. As soon as I closed your blog and clicked onto The Paris Review blog, I came upon this and had to laugh! It's an excellent and weird piece that I think you'd enjoy!


  3. I have a mouthful of crowns and bridges ( and gaps) .......so I wish you well with your new " jewellery". One of my bridges ( front teeth) has gold across the back of it, but it doesn't show. Usually with new crowns the dentist can file bits off until it feels OK, but I guess not if it is topped with gold.....never had one of those!

  4. Yes. You can indeed "always go back". Again and again and again and again...

  5. I would almost prefer major surgery than dental work. It always feels like there's a possibility of surprise pain.
    BTW our insurance never covers the cost of a crown, which runs to about $1,000

  6. I don't recall that issue when I got mine. The dentist checked my alignment and everything before I left and there have been no problems. Is this dentist just looking for repeat customers?

  7. I don't know about that dentist of yours. It's supposed to not feel as if anything's there. My dentist spends quite a bit of time having me bite down to make sure that the tooth is the right height.
    The Cotton Club was a famous nightclub in Harlem so I guess there's a tie-in between looking all spiffy and cool and having your clothes dry cleaned.

  8. i would be looking for a new dentist. he would hate me because i would have already thrown a fit!
    good grief--

  9. Yes, I remember thinking how high tech a crown must e and yes they made it sound simple. They put the crown over the tooth and pressed a bit to see that it was attached and that was it.

  10. Yes, I agree with the previous commenters that the crown should not feel like you can't close your mouth. The dentist should check your bite and alignment when he is placing the crown. I think you might want to find a new dentist. That's another fine photo!

  11. Showed this to Dennis- he shook his head and made a face...said you will likely have to go back for adjustment. Your dentist sound like a hack, sorry to say, isn't that a british thing about dental care?

  12. Great name for that cleaners. Good luck with the tooth. Hopefully it will wear down as he said. I'd hate to think you would have to go back again.

  13. My crowns have all been porcelain, so I don't know anything about gold crowns. Maybe your dentist is right. But if it doesn't feel better in very short order, make him fix it! A high crown or filling will throw off your whole bite and can affect other teeth and your jaw, as well as feeling awful. Gad. And I imagine you've paid a goodly sum for the privilege of having all these issues :)

    Mind the flies if you're walking around with your mouth open :D
