Saturday, November 10, 2018

Urban Nature

I found this beautiful feather on the sidewalk last week. It's tiny -- maybe an inch long -- and I suspect it's from a tit but I'm not sure. The coloring is right, and tits are tiny birds.


And here are the most recent downloads from the garden cam. You'll notice that the time/date stamp on the first clip is wrong, but then I fixed it, so the rest should read correctly. Foxes, squirrels and Olga, basically.

We have a whole lot going on around here today, but fortunately none of it requires my attendance. So while the fumigators visit for the first moth treatment and the roofers pound away, Olga and I will be at the Heath. Or somewhere. It's going to be a bit dicey because it's supposed to rain, but I'm hoping we can fit our long walk in between bouts of precipitation.


  1. Great video, more please. The fox looks to be in good condition so that's good.
    Good luck with the spraying.

  2. Are you sure that you didn't also capture Dave and the scaffolder fellow on camera?

  3. We may have contractors coming soon to build a bathroom in the basement and I'm already wondering how Mamie (and I!) will cope with the noise

  4. A whole lotta shakin' going on in that garden! I love it! Not sure why but the foxes just charm me.
    And that feather- the feather of a tiny tit. I love it!

  5. That feather is very pretty and your garden is certainly a hive of activity.

  6. it's be possums and raccoons and squirrels here. Marc was in the bathroom and looked out the window the other night to see a raccoon climbing the tree/shrub up to the roof.
    a very sweet little feather.

  7. It's nice to get away when there's a big project taking place at your house.

  8. Hope you got in a good long walk at the heath today. A nice respite from all the projects there.

  9. Olga's first entrance made me laugh. Little goof ball. Tit also made me laugh because I am nine years old...

  10. My, you have a busy back yard! Beautiful feather.

  11. I enjoyed the video and second Briony's "more please"! Beautiful tiny feather ...
