Saturday, January 2, 2016

Home Again, With More Florida Pics

Dave and I just got home. We're a bit bleary-eyed but overall we had a good flight, and upon landing we made our way into town and straight to the dog boarder, where we picked up Olga.

She was so excited to see us that she was shaking in the taxi all the way home.

So here we are, reunited and getting back to our routines. I launched a load of laundry and Dave promptly settled onto the sofa with the dog and an episode of "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine." I think we're ready for an extended period of homespun monotony.

The same headwinds that slowed us down on our flight to Florida added speed to our return trip, which was slightly bumpy but rapid at just 8 hours. (And we got to sit together!) The only hitch in our travels came after we landed at Gatwick Airport. The Gatwick Express -- the train that connects the airport to Central London -- is out of commission for several days for some kind of repair work. So we took a bus, which creeped along for an hour and a half before reaching Victoria Station. Why is there so much traffic today?

These photos are from a last Florida walk I took yesterday afternoon near my dad's house. I haven't had a chance to take any new photos in London yet!


  1. Welcome home! Why can't Dave do the laundry instead of slouching on the sofa like Homer Simpson?

  2. Glad you two and Olga are all home together. It seems one never knows what to expect from flights into (and out of) London. I remember when I flew Into Heathrow two years ago the plane parked somewhere out on the tarmac and we had to exit down the old fashioned rolling stairs. I never did figure out what that was about.

  3. Glad you're home! I love that last picture - I just want to go sit on one of those logs & breathe for a while...

  4. Glad to hear you are all back home. I've missed your Olga photos! Hopefully no trouble with the boarders this time around. You two packed a lot into your trip. I'd be prostrate for days.

  5. Homespun monotony is great, isn't it? Love the two swampy photos.

  6. Welcome home! I'm glad Olga has you back. I love old fashioned monotony myself. And the traffic is most likely the holidays, don't you think, or was that a rhetorical question? I love the first photo a lot.
