Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tottenham Court Road

When I went down to the Apple Store on Sunday I was happy to find the Tottenham Court Road tube station had reopened. It's been closed for renovation and expansion for most of the past year.

I'd read that there was some controversy regarding the preservation of the tile murals that decorate the station. Dating from 1984, they were created by Eduardo Paolozzi, and when I walked through I was happy to find most of them are still there.

(These are just a sample. There are others on the train platforms and elsewhere.)

Turns out only some of the murals were affected by the renovations -- those on structures that were removed entirely -- and even they have been saved, apparently. I'm happy this station is functioning again. It's in a handy area in Soho and I use it a lot!

I have to be at school early this morning to talk to eighth-grade classes about interviewing, like I did last year. My journalism career continues to haunt me!


  1. Wonderful murals - especially the ones which look like board games.

    Ms Soup

  2. I love the colors and the fact that they were mostly preserved. Thanks for your e-mail and I know the kids will enjoy your talk. It's cooled off a lot here (about 20 degrees ) since you left but sadly, it isn't expected to last...

  3. Oh, Steve! What a colorful life you lead! I hope the insomnia has disappeared.

  4. those are great. I imagine the station would be rather dreary otherwise.

  5. Those murals are great! I'm glad they were preserved.

  6. Excellent murals! They pair nicely with the top picture from your previous post (those lips!) :)

  7. I'm definitely in the minority here - the murals feel menacing to me!

    The students are fortunate to have your experience to draw on.

  8. I always liked them .........though i hope the lighting is now better to display them

  9. Soho is well-known as a den of iniquity and lewdness - no wonder you are often down there Steve!

  10. So glad that the work was saved, Wonderful art! Very cheerful in what could be another dismal tube station.

  11. Well, your former life in journalism has to be good for something.

  12. I'm sorry I've been so absent on here of late, but I'm trying now to catch up. Wonderful murals -- I think I should do a "Steve Reed" in Los Angeles and go for a mural walk!

  13. Good luck with your talks to the 8th graders!
