Friday, January 29, 2016

Library Light

My job may be occasionally tedious -- and I'm the first to admit it -- but here's something that makes it better. We have amazing natural light in the library. Big windows and a warm, pleasant space.

Above is my co-worker Eunice, who was sitting and reading yesterday with all that beautiful light around her -- from outside on the pole to the houndstooth patchwork of shadows on the floor. She was being watched over by the Venerable Bede, to the right, in the glass case next to the books.

And this is the view from my desk. Another coworker said, "It looks like Batman!"


  1. Shadows and light - that would be a good title for a blog that rests heavily on photographs.

    Dear Mr Steve,
    It has come to our attention, via an anonymous fellow blogger, that you have been indulging in your favourite hobby during work hours instead of fulfilling your onerous duties as a librarian. To put it quite simply, we do not pay you to take photographs and you are hereby officially warned as to your future conduct during work hours.
    Yours officially,
    Herman Chong

  2. I love a library, and a pleasant library especially. I can see that the work environment would make up for the duller parts.

  3. Envious

    ...envious of a clean unblemished carpet

  4. How lovely! There is much to be said for a pleasant work environment.

  5. it is nice. windows are essential for me. one of the things that sold us on the country house was lots of big windows.

  6. I love all the shadows. It looks like a nice sunny day outside too.

  7. amazing light can help just about any circumstance (even if it's just for a moment). love it

  8. You do have a pleasant place. Where are the kids??? Okay shoot me!!!

  9. I'm reading a book where the main character spends her working hours in a windowless building (not just her office - the whole building). I feel very grateful for the huge window in my office!

  10. Hah - I'm clearly the odd person out! I don't like sunlight because my eyes are so sensitive ... so I'm that strange duck who likes rainy/cloudy days. But I'd sure like to find a dark-ish corner of your library and just sit and read ... heaven ...

  11. the light seems peaceful as well as beautiful, but only when it's empty of kids I imagine.
