Thursday, June 23, 2016

Brexit with Wildflowers

Finally, Brexit day is here. Whichever way today's referendum turns out, I'll be glad to have it over with. (You all know how I feel.) It's pouring rain this morning and I hope that doesn't keep too many voters from the polls.

The New York Times did an excellent article the other day on divisions between family members over staying in or leaving the EU. I thought it highlighted the generational differences quite well. That article came to mind when I saw these two signs in the windows of a house on our street -- though they're probably neighbors in a house that's been turned into flats, rather than family members. I wonder if they have lively debates, or if they just don't talk about it?

Incidentally, to date, this is the only "leave" window sign I've seen, and it appeared just a few days ago. "Remain" signs, by contrast, have been all over our neighborhood for weeks. I'm not sure how representative we are of the national electorate, though.

In other news, our wildflowers are positively overflowing the pot where they've grown from last year's seed. For some reason, none of the blue cornflowers seem to have re-seeded. We got plenty of poppies and those yellow guys, though.

Also, one of the mysterious poppies that appeared in our front garden bloomed yesterday. Nice! We have seven or eight of them, and I'm guessing they're all going to be this pink-purple color. I'm still vague on whether they're actual opium poppies, but our Russian upstairs neighbor took one look and said they'd be illegal in her country -- so that may be an indication. (Ornamental opium poppies are apparently not illegal in the UK, and several of our neighbors have the same kind.)

Yesterday was Dave's birthday, so last night we went to dinner at Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester, which we've wanted to try for a while. We both had the tasting menu with wine pairings, as usual, and it was fabulous!


  1. Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester? You guys must be made of money! ...Unless of course Dave was having a milestone birthday. His 60th perhaps? Sounds like he has got over his recent problem... you know, the issue that hospitalised him.

  2. Happy birthday Dave! I'm on tenterhooks about the Brexit vote. I hope they remain.

  3. I really hope the remain people hold the day. I can't imagine anything but bad repercussions for the good people of the Isles otherwise.

  4. Happy Birthday Dave!! Why not go all out for only comes once a year! I always buy myself a nice gift :0)

  5. Whether the result is remain or leave it will divide the country and that is not good. A strongly united country works best.

  6. Here I was reading about your wonderful flowers and enjoying the photos and then I got to the last line about eating at the Alain Ducasse restaurant! Wow, I would love to give that place a try! I bet it was elegant as well as delicious.

  7. I'd love to know what your courses were like at Dave's birthday dinner. Happy birthday to Dave! And what are you reading these days?

  8. Happy birthday to Dave! I'm eagerly awaiting the vote too - it feels like it's important internationally (as in, over the pond) as well as for Britain & the EU.

  9. I hope the REMAINs take the day!

    Yum, that tasting menu looks fantastic! Pricey? Yeah, but worth it I'm sure. Tasting menus with wine pairings are really to die for. He had me at guinea fowl with foie gras, oh my my my. We used to be able to get guinea fowl in France and loved its darkish meat even though I am a white-meat-kind-of-girl. Happy Birthday to Dave!

  10. I agree with Red - the country will still have an issue when this is over unless it's a resounding majority one way or the other.

    The flower photos are most welcome! And Happy Birthday to Dave!

  11. Amused by the first photo and the differing views between the ground floor and the top floor.


  12. Amused by the first photo and the differing views between the ground floor and the top floor.

