Sunday, April 14, 2019

A Sunny Day, and a Note

This pretty much sums up yesterday's activities. We didn't leave the house, except to walk Olga to the cemetery and to go to Cafe Nero for coffee. (We were out of milk and it seemed easier than going to the store.) Olga accompanied us to the cafe, where she met a Tibetan terrier (or was it a Tibetan spaniel?) with a deformed toe and its foot in an orthopedic boot. The owner explained that the dog only wears the boot on long walks. It reminded me of Olga's vet suggesting a root canal. Will we stop at nothing when it comes to medical care for our pets?

Of course, if your dog is in pain, you'll do what you have to do. You know?

Anyway, I did a bunch of stuff in the garden. The day started cold and it even rained a little but by afternoon it was sunny sweatshirt weather outside, so I got out with a shovel and planted a couple of our potted plants that we decided to put in the ground. We still have a few more to do. We're trying to free up some pots and space on the patio -- basically, we put plants in the ground when we deem them expendable and we're ready to release them to the elements.

I also made progress in the second volume of Karl Ove Knausgaard's autobiographical novel "My Struggle." This one's good too, about his growing family, but it doesn't resonate quite as deeply with me as the first -- maybe because I haven't raised a child. I continue to be a little mystified by why he's an interesting writer, considering he's talking about standing in line at the bake shop and other mundane tasks. Yet he is strangely, compulsively readable. Kind of like bloggers, I suppose!


  1. I was listening to a writer bemoanimg the fact that scarcely anyone wants to read literature these days. They prefer memoirs and self-help books.. I glanced at a self-help book recently and now stand up straight and pat cats I meet in the street. Two important steps on the way to improving my
    And the note in the gutter, to be found in any big city anywhere on the world...

  2. I find it strange how some authors just seem to have the knack of making a book readable when there is little content. A book has to read right for me to continue with it, I'm not one of those people who will persevere if I do not enjoy it.
    Nice neatly written note but the 'again' says it all doesn't it. lol

  3. Why do you torture Olga by making her sleep next to those very stinky trainers (American: sneakers)? The poor creature! She seems bemused by that note. Clearly the writer was never taught about small case letters - nor how to form a capital "G". Disgraceful.

  4. I've been reading a lot of dead poets. I tried some so-called Amish fiction and found it short on plot. Memoirs can be interesting. I have Michelle O'bama next up on my TBR list. Olga's vet is probably worried about pain or tooth loss, neither of which would be good.

  5. What a beautiful picture of Olga sleeping in the sun.
    That note must represent so much anger. And frustration.
    Don't you think that our pets sometimes replace children in our lives? I see that with older couples. I understand it. But I'm not going to do it. Of course I have three real children who want pancakes right now. I better go crank up the kitchen.

  6. The first photo is extremely busy . I had to look carefully to see what it was .It took a bit to find Olga.

  7. that's basically when I put stuff in the ground too. or when they just get too big to lug in and out. also I did nothing yesterday except walk the dog.

  8. Olga does look so comfy snoozing in that sunlight. Saturday was spent cleaning up the garden here too. All that rain brings all those thriving weeds.

  9. Love the note. The joys of living in an urban area.

  10. TWO Olga pictures! Be still, my heart :)

    It doesn't look like the recipient of that note took very good care of it ... you'd almost think they didn't take it seriously.

  11. Olga looks a little guilty after reading that sign however, I know she doesn't drive a car so it's not her fault. However, she does look completely relaxed and at peace in the first shot.

  12. That note probably reminds you of parking problems in New York City, eh?

  13. Your indoor plants look beautiful in the top photo. Animals seem to just love finding a spot in the sun. I can't believe the number of people who block garages and driveways! It's so rude!

  14. Slow days are recharging days. We all need them. Olga is setting a fine example, sleeping in the sun.
