Monday, April 29, 2019

Immersed in Green

The winds calmed down yesterday and I took Olga for a long walk on the Heath. The tender new leaves on all the trees cast bottle-green light on the forest floor below. It felt like walking through an aquarium.

We found lots of these little winged elm tree seeds, which are apparently called "samaras."

The comfrey was dense and leafy on Sandy Heath.

And although it wasn't particularly warm -- probably in the 50s -- a bee was buzzing on the wild geraniums.


  1. So beautiful and peaceful, and in the 50's...How I wish for those temperatures here...

  2. I love the top picture. Such delicate shades of green and contemporaneous with current woodland walking in The Deep North.

  3. I love that bottle-green light. We get it too and it's an enchantment.

  4. These pictures calm me. Many thanks. I could using some calming.

  5. Okay - I'd happily frame any of these photos and put them on my wall.

  6. I love it when the very air is colored. usually it's pink or yellow here when that happens. don't think I've ever experienced green. it seemed to me that the bees were slow to show up here but show up they finally did.

  7. "The tender new leaves on all the trees cast bottle-green light on the forest floor below..." a truly beautiful description. Love the light in these photos.

  8. Ahhh...spring is in the air. Even if it was a bit chilly, it looks like spring has taken hold. Your photos today are stunning.

  9. Absolutely lovely and I think you've solved my mystery: the tree in our backyard is an elm, because we have thousands of those little "samaras" blown off before the leaves appear.

  10. Lovely lush forest type photos and all this in the city amazing.

  11. Beautiful captures. And I love your description "like walking through an aquarium" - so evocative.

  12. As they say in Yorkshire......tha's a good lad. You do treat us to some beautiful pictures.

  13. Ahhh - I would love to walk through all that green!

  14. the samaras looks like potential, pretty spring time there!

  15. E: I'm actually a little sick of being so cold. I'm ready for warmth!

    YP: Bravo! You used your vocabulary word for the day! LOL

    Ms Moon: A sure sign of spring!

    Colette: We could ALL use calming -- one of the main functions of my dog-walks!

    Marty: Thank you!

    Ellen: Texas has very special light -- I remember that from my visits to Austin.

    Robin: It was a good day to be walking with a camera, for sure!

    Sharon: Thanks!

    Sabine: Thank you!

    Catalyst: Interesting! Ours probably come from field elms, although there are also Wych elms in England -- drastically reduced in number by Dutch Elm disease. I wonder what kind yours is?

    Comox: London is a very green city. It's amazing how much open space there is, and lots of trees on the streets.

    Jenny-O: Thanks! It really does seem a bit like you're submerged!

    Unknown: Thank you, whoever you are! :)

    Bug: It must be green like this in NC by now, right?

    Linda Sue: I love the little pink spot in the middle. Wonder why they evolved with that coloring?
