Thursday, October 17, 2019


Here's another photo from our Monday night hotel stay. That's the Garden Lodge of the Grim's Dyke Hotel on the left, where our room was located. I took the dog out that night and noticed these terrific shadows stretching across the lawn, which was encircled by dark forest and a ragged, autumnal garden. I was concerned Olga would charge into the woods and disrupt some poor wild creature's nocturnal existence, so I kept her on a leash.

Several of you asked why we had Monday and Tuesday off work. I guess I should have explained that! It was October break, a regular feature of our school calendar. I'm not at all sure why we have a two-day break in October, but we do.

We're back at work now, though, and life goes on as usual.

Speaking of nocturnal animals, you may remember several days ago I tried without success to get a video of our garden foxes. Well, I gave it another whirl, and this time had much better luck.

I set up the camera at the back of the garden, our traditional spot, and put out the same boiled egg as "bait." First a squirrel checked it out, but wasn't interested. Then the fox showed up -- and then another, less welcome visitor. Never a dull moment in our garden!

I thought I set the time and date correctly on the camera, but apparently I told it December instead of October. So just change that 12 to a 10.

Last night I had a rare opportunity to meet another longtime blog pal -- Elizabeth, from Los Angeles, whose blog I've been reading for about eight years now. She's visiting a friend in Belsize Park, which fortunately is just a stone's throw from where I work in St. John's Wood. So I walked over after work and met her and her friend Sarah at a local pub, the Washington. (An appropriate place for a meetup of expat Americans!)

It seemed amazing that I'd never met Elizabeth in person before -- as with every other blogger I've had the opportunity to meet in person, I already felt like I knew her so well. Being immersed in each other's lives in this virtual way really does create real-world connections, doesn't it? We had a good time catching up on books and movies and family news, and in a few days she'll be off to Italy to visit her son Henry. It's mind-blowing to think we two creatures who live on different sides of the planet could come together so easily. The world is much smaller than we think.


  1. How come Ratty has two little headlights on his head? I guess they are very useful for finding one's way around at night.

  2. I really enjoyed watching that and the fox looks in great condition although I am wondering if he has a limp'
    I am surprised that he didn't take the egg away to eat, he must feel safe in your garden as mine always take them away.
    Sorry, but I loved the little ratty, I know people hate them but you have to admire them don't you, he enjoyed the little bits the fox left.

  3. I'm SO glad you and Elizabeth got to meet! The world certainly is a lot smaller than we think. Especially these days.

  4. Nocturnalities. That's quite a word..

  5. Blogland is amazing that way. When we finally meet in person it is so comfortable and "hi, old pal"-ish. Wonderful that Elizabeth made it to your neighborhood, such a great couple of bloggers, you two.
    Your enchanted garden is always lovely to see, Thanks for going to all of that effort. The animals look well.
    Also , nice little two day holiday for you guys and Olga, Looks like a sweet place and the shadows on the lawn of poetry worthy! Nice thing about England is that it is interesting and tiny- we could drive all day and get nowhere here in the PNW , just mountains and sea...

  6. It's wonderful to know that two bloggers I read have met in real life!
    Makes the world less vast and more human.

  7. Yes, a lot of critters make their living at night. It is exciting to meet a fellow blogger.

  8. right? every blogger I have met in person has been the same way, old friends meeting for the first time.

  9. I'm always amazed at how blogging brings people closer together even when they are far apart. So glad you got to meet Elizabeth. I love the fox video. He does look very wary the way he looks around all the time. I wonder if he can hear the camera somehow. And hopefully, your less welcome guest moved on.

  10. Love seeing the critters there in your yard. It's so true about meeting bloggers in real time and life. It's like meeting dear old friends of the heart for the first time.

  11. What an awesome video! I was surprised that the squirrel showed no interest in the egg. I, too, have had the opportunity to meet a couple of my blog friends. This internet is amazing and I've made so many wonderful blog friends over the years. I think it's great that you got to meet another blog friend in person. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  12. I felt the same way when I met Elizabeth in New York, as if I already knew her, that is seemed strange to be meeting for the first time in the flesh. She's lovely, isn't she? I look forward to meeting you, too, Steve. Someday. The man and I talk about visiting London, so, it could happen!

  13. I was surprised at how delicately the fox ate the egg. Most dogs would toss it back without chewing. You have quite the woodland back there.

  14. Very cool that you got to meet Elizabeth! I liked ratty's VERY BRIGHT eyes. I couldn't decide if they're extra creepy or extra fabulous. Ha!

  15. I was surprised by the fox's eating habits too. I would have thought he would have picked up the whole egg in his mouth and slunk off to devour it. And that rat! His eyes do look like little headlights.

  16. Fantastic video It's hard to wrap my head around visiting foxes in the middle of the city I guess they have to adapt.

  17. It was so wonderful to meet you, Steve, and to sit next to each other at a pub and talk about all the things that good friends talk about. THANK YOU!
