Monday, October 14, 2019

An Autumn Bouquet

That dahlia in the foreground above was bright red when I first bought it several weeks ago. Now it's faded to a gentle orange as the flowers begin to fall away, petal by petal. It matches the orangey-red loosestrife leaves, the purple flowers in the background and the lingering lavender. Very autumnal!

Dave and I went to see the Downton Abbey movie yesterday. I liked it a lot, but I definitely had to suspend my critical thinking skills in order to swallow parts of the plot. It was beautifully filmed and especially fun to see all the characters again. We went using a gift card from one of Dave's students, given to us at the end of the last school year, so we didn't even have to buy our tickets. (Except that the card covered the cost of two tickets in June, and I guess they've gone up a bit -- after I used it there was still an unpaid balance of 20 pence, so I had to put that on my debit card! Ridiculous.)

I also took Olga to the cemetery when we had a break in the persistent rain. Here she is having a little nibble of some grass -- her salad, as I like to call it.

It's funny -- when we walk around the cemetery, I often don't even think about the fact that it IS a cemetery.  (Even with that profusion of crosses!) I think of it more like a park. I'm too busy looking at all the stuff that's alive to remember what's not. That would probably annoy some people.

Dave, Olga and I are taking off this afternoon on a little overnight adventure -- although it's another rainy day so the weather isn't optimal. I've kept it secret from Dave so he doesn't know what we're doing and I can't yet write about it here. I'll fill you all in tomorrow!


  1. I hope that Olga didn't poop on someone's granny when mooching around the graveyard. I am already looking forward to reading about the secret trip. Are you going to Highclere Castle?

  2. I hope that the rain doesn't spoil your mystery trip. Lashing down here at 8.15 ! Wet dog will be the aroma of the day in many households this morning. Luckily not here as schnauzers don't pong...even when wet! Looking forward to hearing where you went.

  3. Well, probably everywhere we tread has bones beneath it. Not always human but they're there. So it's okay not to think too much about the bones in the cemetery.
    I hope you and Dave have a wonderful time, wherever it is you are going!

  4. I enjoyed Downton Abbey, the movie, too, though it was a confection compared to the series. Still the old dames were in rare form, and yes, it was nice to visit with the characters again, and everything happily ever after, tied up with a bow. I hope you have a good time on your overnight jaunt. Does Dave like surprises? My man does not.

  5. Perfect October Post And Looking Forward To Olga's Adventure

    P.S. The Previous Posting, With Her Paw Sticking Out, Brilliant

  6. I like the idea of walking a cemetery for all the living things and monuments to look at. I think most family members would want their loved ones resting place to be a place of beauty and inviting to the living to walk there.

  7. I haven't walked in a cemetery in a long time. I think the last time I went it was to put flowers on Jack Kerouac's grave. Makes me wonder if any graveyards here have the bones of my favorite writers or artists or dreamers.

  8. so many of the modern cemeteries are just parks with no monuments, just plaques laid on the ground, maybe some benches scattered about.

  9. I love the dahlias. My favorite color is orange. I haven't seen the movie Downton Abbey, but I hope to. You and Dave and Olga have an awesome adventure. Can't wait to hear about it. Hugs, Edna B.

  10. The internet world will always get you!

  11. I love the autumnal photo. Between it and the one in the cemetery, London is looking very much like fall. A wet fall.
    Have fun on your surprised outing.
    P.S. I loved the Downton Abbey movie too and agree there were lots of things about the plot lines that didn't really add up but who cares, the gang was back together again and they looked great.

  12. Oh fun - a mystery trip! I love exploring cemeteries - I like to read the headstones.

  13. Lovely photos. And like the others I can't wait to hear about the mystery trip.

  14. The dahlias are still beautiful - red, orange, whatever :)

    Have a fun trip!

  15. I thoroughly enjoyed the Downton Abbey movie, but it didn't really compare to the series. Shed some tears at the end. I hope there will be another. Looking forward to hearing about your mystery trip - what fun!
