Friday, November 13, 2020

Shave and a Haircut

Well, it's 5:55 a.m. and I'm already out of the shower. I've found that if I get up before Dave and take a shower first thing, he can then colonize the bathroom and I don't have to worry about squeezing a shower in after him. Because here's the thing: I am very fast in the bathroom, and Dave is very slow. If I wait until he's done, getting out the door on time is a challenge.

You remember the show "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," from the early 2000's, right? One aspect of the show focused on personal grooming and instructed men to buy all these ridiculous skin and hair care products, in addition to getting facials and whatnot. Dave absorbed some of these lessons, because he's always been more of a "products" person than me. I am a bar-of-soap kind of guy. Literally, that's all I need. Oh, and toothpaste, and shaving cream.

Of course, not having hair gives me a huge advantage in this department.

I did recently buy an electric razor called a "skull shaver," which I'm going to use to shave my head. Up until now, I've been using disposable razors. But I'm finding as I get older they're a little harder to work with -- maybe I'm not as agile as I used to be. (Plus, disposable plastic -- not a great idea.) I haven't tried the "skull shaver" yet but we'll see how it goes.

Blog reader Frances, who lives just north of London, was kind enough to mail me some cuttings from her Christmas (or possibly Thanksgiving?) cactus, which has white blossoms. The cuttings arrived yesterday and I popped them into some soil right away, so we'll see how they do. I don't think I've ever received cuttings by mail before! Hopefully they'll work out -- I'd love a new color of cactus. Thanks, Frances!

I'm relaxing a little more about Trump and the election. I've decided he's basically just playing with us all, the way a cat plays with its prey. He likes to create chaos and watch us all struggle to cope. But as it's become more and more apparent that he has no evidence of election malfeasance, his support is weakening among fellow Republicans. I think he basically just wants his own TV show, where he can receive the adulation of the crowds that love him, and stir the pot more and more. That's fine with me. I won't be watching.


  1. I love that photo. Wouldn't happen if you used our car. It needs a washing!

    1. These shiny black cars are great for reflections! (When clean!)

  2. Good photo!
    I am a "get in, get clean, get out" person too..I find water waste annoying! Pirate takes ages like Dave!!
    A skull shaver sounds interesting..but is it just a more expensive way of getting a short back and shine?!

    1. I think it may be easier to use, but once I've tried it I'll let you know!

  3. A "skull shaver" sounds like the kind of thing a brain surgeon might use to remove the scalp before plunging in to the old grey matter with a steel "skull skewer".

    1. Yeah, it's not the greatest brand name, is it? Sounds too anatomical.

    2. I would have called it a "Kojak", making good use of Telly Savalas's image in the marketing.

  4. Yes, the joys of cohabiting. Not that long ago I had a friend, a TV anchor, location best not disclosed. Gay. Drop dead gorgeous - visually, and a brain to die for. Since the lines were drawn from the beginning we just loved each other for who we were, no strings - one hetero, one gay. As relationships go that's as easy as it gets. Or you may think so. Anyway, his grooming - like his kitchen - were works of art. As stereotypes go gays are fastidious. Which is why I shall not mention that which will lead to further contention. Think dog snot. No, don't. Luckily, Olga is a lady.

    Yes, so good on you that - with a bit of foresight - you leave the field wide open for Dave to polish his wares, your good self still being able to get out of the house without checking whether you are wearing matching shoes. Don't ask.

    As to your last paragraph re election/fraud etc. An answer still outstanding to the poignant question why the MEDIA appear to be given the power of crowning the prince. Where I come from votes are counted, not projections made.

    I feel sorry for Trump in as much as being a bad looser, a sore looser, is never a good look. To add misery to vague amusement (mine) some of my friends and my son, the Angel, keep feeding me info you will not find on the pages of a (British) broadsheet.


    1. Please do strike off one or two of the oos off "loser" lest your readership be scandalized.


    2. I think my shoes always match, but admittedly, I'm not particularly fastidious about my appearance. I'm not a slob either though. If you're being fed information that's not in the newspaper, you have to wonder how good the information is.

  5. My son uses a skull shaver. Works out well. As for Trump, I read that as soon as everything is all certified and irrevocable he's going to announce that he's running in 2024, and he's already started his PAC for that campaign, to which his cultists are already contributing to cover his travel and entertainment, so I supposed he will become a professional political huckster now, living off his MAGA cult, and continuing to stir hate and violence. Still, I'm starting to see he served a purpose, he opened our eyes to the depths of disunity and white grievance, and I suppose one cannot begin to heal a thing until one is aware it needs healing. At least now we're more fully aware. Baby steps.

    1. If the Republicans allow him to run on their ticket, they'll be even more complicit in our national disunity. They should make Trump run on a third-party ticket.

  6. Baby steps, as Rosemarie says. And probably also, one step forward, two steps back. Or vice versa.
    Having two bathrooms can be the best thing for a marriage ever. It's a completely ridiculous luxury and I love it. Actually, we have three but you know this rambley old house.

    1. Well, I'll be relatively happy for the next four years, anyway!

  7. I have an overwhelming urge to hell "Two Bits!" Do you remember "Who Killed Roger Rabbit?"

    Excellent photo.

    As for trump, hopefully he won't live long enough to run in 2024. I don't wish him to be dead but he's not a young man and he's not a healthy man either.

    1. I was alluding to that song! (If you can call it a song.) Re. Trump, the future is unknowable!

  8. I love that pic! As for Trump, I follow Heather Cox Richardson, a political historian and professor of history in Boston, on Facebook.She's kept me sane during all of this (and continues to do so)!

    1. Oh, I'll have to look for her. I need sanity reinforcement!

    2. Yes! I LOVE Heather! It's especially gratifying to see a historian get so many props :)

  9. I'm not a 'products' person either and I don't wear make-up or style my hair beyond securing it out of my face. Trump is done. he's just wallowing in self pity and fear. at this point it's not Trump, he won't concede and who cares if he does or doesn't. it's the Republican party now that is obstructing Biden all to keep their base hyped up for the Georgia run off elections. they need those two senators, as do we, to continue to obstruct Democratic policies.

    1. I hope he's done. I have a feeling he'll keep turning up like a bad penny. (As they say. What IS a bad penny, anyway?)

  10. I went back and looked at your title and it makes sense with your post.

    1. Yeah, the connections aren't always apparent. LOL

  11. I follow Heather Cox Richardson also. I get an email from her each day "Letters from an American". She has a thorough way of giving me the news from the day before and explaining it all to me. She always has lots of references listed too, so you know where her info is coming from. Very Knowledgeable!

  12. Such a beautiful photo.
    I'm not a products person at all. A bar of soap, some shampoo, a haircut every year or two. My one and only lotion is Mountain-Ocean Skin Trip made in Boulder, Co. I've been using it for 40 years!

    1. I envy you only having to cut your hair once a year! I have to do mine once a week or so.

  13. We have two bathrooms now, but for many years only had one & somehow made it work. Back in the day I used to take really long showers & use a ton of products, but now I can't be bothered most of the time. It helps that I only wash my hair twice a week.

    I'm starting to feel a little less afraid about the presidency too. Now I can send all that angst to Georgia. Ha!

    1. The environment thanks you for giving up those long showers! :)

  14. My friend David is a products guy too. I've always noted that when we've traveled together, he always takes much longer to get ready than I do. However, I do have to admit that he's introduced me to some wonderful products that I use to this day. Molton Brown shower gels are one. Love those.
    On my group text chain someone sent a tweet this morning from a reporter that said that a Trump insider told NY Magazine that DJT is out of money and worried about being arrested. Another person in the group texted that all he needs to do is ask his followers to send him money and he'll get all he needs. They seem to be willing to send their cult leader their last dollar.

    1. I've tried to wean Dave off shower gels because of all the plastic bottles. I've got him using bar soap now, too. (Fancy bar soap, though, whereas I use the equivalent of Zest!)

  15. That is a shiny car! (not like mine) I'm very fast in the bathroom but now with my hair longer, it takes a bit longer. I'm still nervous and think Trump(and his cronies) remain dangerous.

    1. I think they remain dangerous, too. They will always be a destabilizing force.

  16. Dennis is a "longtime in the bathroom" person as well, sprays and lotions= just get out of the way... But i will say he is well groomed and smells nice
    Trump - go away, not quietly, mind you, but FOX has abandoned him so he may have to get his own station,... from jail.

    1. There's a lot to be said for good grooming -- just not EXCESSIVE grooming. LOL

  17. My spousal unit has a razor for his head and one for his face. Apparently they have different usage profiles. So yeah, he takes longer than I do. That's a great photo of the car reflections. If the razor does not work out, there is always the HeadBlade.

    1. Hmmmm...I haven't seen a "headblade" before. My new "skull shaver" razor is an electric rotary model. I love the fact that "headcare" is now a word. LOL

  18. I was hoping that by now all the hatred that's spewed here by you and most of your commenters would be done and over. Sad to say, you folks just can't seem to let go of it. As much as I've enjoyed visiting here and seeing Olga, I just cannot take all the hate. I've tried not to say anything but it has taken all the joy out of visiting. Give Olga a hug from me and Pogo.

    1. Oh, Edna. If you think we're being hateful simply because we disagree with you -- or with your tyrant of a president -- you're being overly sensitive. Can't you be in a room with a bunch of people who don't agree with you? Are you that politically insecure?

    2. And by the way, Trump's the one who won't let it go. If he'd conceded the election like a respectable leader -- like EVERY OTHER LOSING PRESIDENT before him -- we would have let it go by now.

  19. I wonder if anyone ever heard of him giving his Presidential salary to charity or the poor. That was what he was saying in 2016. This man is in debt, scared because he knows he is going to jail for tax fraud. I am not looking for him to have a tv show but more looking for him to do something crazy like suicide. He is just that stupid. If things don't go Trump way, he prefer to be dead. You can look in his face and see fear of having to enter the real world out here now because he has screwed up and got caught in tax fraud. Trump, you have hurt and talked about too many people. The ones that looked up to you deserved it but there are many others who didn't. NOW YOU ARE "BROKE AND SCARED" He probably was broke when he took office.

    1. He allegedly doesn't take a salary, but since he gets all his food, housing, security, transportation and whatnot paid for by the government, it's not as if he's not being compensated.

  20. It just feels like tRUMP's attackers are beginning to crumble. As his supporters winnow down what is left is his lunatic fringe and they look more and more like complete nutters.

    1. His support is definitely waning. Even other Republicans are getting tired of his baloney.

  21. Your bathroom tales made me smile. I am slow so I have to get up early. Andy is fast so he often gets up quite near the time he may have to leave, though working from home has changed things somewhat. And as for products, I am more on the bar of soap side while Andy is product King. I have now told him to give me anything new he buys, so I can accommodate in the now tidy (again!) bathroom cupboard. The stuff he buys comes in very posh packaging which he now just gives to me without me having to ask!
