Monday, December 9, 2013

A Post in Which Marilyn Weeps

A busy weekend around here, but not in any way that's interesting. I got a ton of little, boring things done -- laundry, house-cleaning, bathing the dog. Isn't that exciting? Not really?

I did Skype with my mom and with Dave's parents, and it was good to catch up with them. I'd like to Skype with my dad but I want to give him time to recuperate a bit from his recent health problems.

I also went to the high school band concert yesterday afternoon. Dave got a great performance from all the kids, who played, among other things, a terrific wind-instrument version of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, which I've only ever heard as an organ piece.

I'm barely seeing Dave these days -- he's involved in some administrative things at school as well as a series of concerts this week. He did have time yesterday morning to hurl the Kong in the yard with the dog, though probably not as much as she would have liked.

By Thursday things should be calming down a bit, but we're also easing into the socially frantic holiday season, so we will remain busy. I suppose I should be grateful that we have a social life, and I am, honestly. I am not complaining.

(Top photo: An interior design gallery near Edgware Road late Thursday afternoon -- love those big Marilyns!)


  1. My husband has the same shoes as Dave's! That's not very profound but I find it interesting.
    This is the season of trying to feel grateful and inevitably falling short.

  2. What a great pic of Dave and Olga! Beautiful.

    I, too, am slamming into the business of the season. I'm grateful for it, but there's a way in which I dread it, too. I'm an introvert, I can't help it.

  3. Catching up with your blog- I have been in and out - you are so right about the business of this time of did it get so frantic? Sorry to hear about your Dad, fingers crossed! LOVE the photo, action shot! Who can resist a large Marilyn, the Dave/Olga shot wins, however. The BEST!

  4. Marilyn's okay but Dave and Olga are spectacular!

  5. I like to socialize once I get there. Getting me there is another story. And too many in a short period of time makes me glad when January gets here.
