Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Losing Our Pubs

Dave is still under the weather. He called in sick again today, which -- on the bright side -- means that Olga will have company in the morning before the arrival of the dog-walker.

I am still trying to get Christmas gifts figured out. I've ordered a few things and I think I have almost everyone covered. Hopefully it will all get to my mom's house by the 27th, when I get to Florida, but if it doesn't we'll cope.

I've mentioned before that real estate values in London seem to have gone insane, with people building mega-houses and mega-basements. We learned recently that our favorite pub in St. John's Wood is due to close, to be turned into a luxury residence, and that another pub we frequented there has already closed to face a similar fate. There's a campaign on to save the first pub, The Star, but the building has been sold so I'm not optimistic. When will rich people stop taking over the world?

(Photo: Streetlight shadows at night in Maida Hill.)


  1. Ugh. The ever-growing plutocracy --

  2. Rich people will NEVER stop taking over the world.
    There's your answer.
    I'm sorry.

  3. the only good thing about rich people...they provide jobs for the poor working class ha ha!!

  4. Gross.

    Couldn't the rich people find another location?

    Hope Dave is soon on the mend!

  5. that's their mission in life. they think they can do whatever they want cause they are rich.

  6. What a shame! Too bad the city zoning allows them to do that. We see that here in NJ too where space is at a premium. People will buy some poor cute little house and raze it to the ground to build their ugly McMansion. Very sad.

  7. Well I am finally caught up with your blog! Would you believe that my work web security program now thinks that your blog has "adult material" & won't let me read it? This is the third blog it has done this on & none of you are the least bit R rated. Very odd.

    Anyway, I'm caught up for now. Sorry Dave is sick! I hope he feels better when you guys wake up in the morning...

  8. 'They' have all the control. Wish I had some of that control but I sure wouldn't be taking away the pubs...you can put money on that...LOL

  9. That is sad, the trend seems to be going the other way here, small and energy efficient is good.

  10. Those are both very attractive pubs, it seems a shame to lose them especially to create residences that only 1% of the population can afford.
