Saturday, March 11, 2017

Pink Camellias and Green Garages

I've been so lazy about carrying my camera lately. All I have from this week are iPhone photos! And that's also pretty much all I have for this post, because there's just not much news around here. Work, work, work.

I did go to a wine tasting event last night at a colleague's house. A guy brought around a selection of 10 different wines -- 4 whites, 4 reds, 2 sparkling -- and we sampled them all. I ordered three bottles, and then we drank the remainder of the samples. It was quite fun!

But anyway...on to the this one of the colorfully lit exterior of Cadogan Hall on Thursday night.

Workers are still renovating that big ol' house I pass on the way to school. But the scaffolding has come down and it's looking closer and closer to completion. (And when I look back to its appearance a few years ago, it's obvious how much has been done!)

I like that pot of daffodils in this otherwise rather forlorn doorway. I've got to get some high-res shots of this with my real camera.

The pink camellia is blooming brightly outside the synagogue.

This is a neighbor's garage. I've long been intrigued by this building. I think it's all those shades of green. Again, I need to get my real camera on it.

Conspiracy theories at the ATM machine!


  1. How old are the synagogue and that garage? Love the colors in the first photo. Did you every find Wimpies?

  2. I'm not sure on the ages. Our neighborhood is from the 1920s, as I understand it, so the garage probably dates to then. The synagogue, I would guess, is older.

    I haven't seen a Wimpy's here in years, but according to the Wimpy website restaurant locator, there are two locations in or near London, and 81 around the UK.

  3. I am astonished that you were able to produce a blogpost today - following last night's drunken debauchery at the wine "tasting"(!) event.

  4. The wine tasting sounded like a Tupperware or candle party (look at or try samples, then place your order) except more fun :)

    Your pictures never disappoint, doesn't matter what you take them with. Such is the power of a photographer's eye, which is different from a photographer's camera.

  5. I love your iPhone pics as much as your "real camera" pics. They are subtly different, but clearly still your eye.

  6. That garage reminds me of an old stable. It would catch my eye too. I love that shade of green.

  7. These are all great shots. I think iPhones are getting better and better. That garage is a bit intriguing with all those shades of green even up in the brick area. And, they made some huge changes to that house. They must have removed the fireplaces entirely. The message on the ATM machine is amusing. Conspiracy theories are a way of life with our new orange-headed leader.

  8. All your photos are excellent; clearly it's not the camera that has the fabulous eye! I really like your blog, Steve; lordy but you do see interesting things every darn day. -Kate

  9. I'm impressed with all the flowers you have at this time. I'm still in a deep freeze.

  10. There could be anything in that garage. Anything.


  11. wow, some pretty major changes on that house. and I like the green garage too. and that camellia is gorgeous. I don't think I've ever seen one that big or full of blooms.

  12. My brother & his wife have a camellia that's very similar to that one, except the blooms are a paler pink. It's always so lovely! Alas, it's already done for the season. And we got snow here (in NC!) early this morning. Made me laugh.

    I love the garage - and what Alphie said. Anything could be in there!
