Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Hudson James

Today I'm clearing out of Jacksonville and heading back to Tampa. My brother and mom are both exhausted, I think. It's hard to have a visitor, even for just a few days!

Yesterday, I went to First Watch for breakfast with my brother and older niece. I had carrot cake pancakes, which may sound a little scary, but they were actually really good -- shredded carrots with raisins and pecans. I told myself they were healthy because they contained an orange vegetable.

As we were paying the cashier, this very cute dog was creating chaos on the patio in front of the restaurant. His name is Hudson James (I'm not sure whether James is a middle name or a last name!) and he's a year old. He was a constantly wriggling, spluttering meatball, winding his leash through the legs of all the chairs, messily gulping down water, then spilling the rest and rolling around in it.

I spent the day with Mom, watching birds from her balcony and -- when that got too hot -- watching Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart and "Sanford and Son." (Daytime TV offers a wealth of old shows, at least on cable.)

In the afternoon I popped over to a Goodwill just down the street from my mom's. It looked promising -- a huge store -- but I didn't find anything I wanted. Just a lot of nondescript clothes and charity-run t-shirts. Oh well.

Today will be spent mostly in the car, and I'm kind of looking forward to it. I can listen to the Sirius Radio '60s channel, like I did on the drive up here, and jam to lesser-known singles by the likes of Herman's Hermits and The Royal Guardsmen. It's amazing what they dredge up -- a lot of it I've never even heard before. And I consider myself a '60s aficionado!

(Top photo: Downtown Jacksonville, seen across the St. Johns River.)


  1. Safe travels and enjoy your time with the Moon family.

  2. Oh that dog picture! I think you totally captured his personality at one year old.

  3. It's a Mini Winnie!
    See you soon!

  4. What is it about Hudson James's face that reminds me of the current US president? Have a great time mooning about with The Moons in the full moon on the fiftieth anniversary of Apollo 11's lift off.

  5. That dog is adorable. What a face! Safe travels there and enjoy the music.

  6. Hudson looks like a hoot! Hope you have a nice drive.

    P.S. I LOVE First Watch!

  7. look at the tongue on that dog! he looks pretty big for being just a year old. I think we all enjoy guests and getting out of our regular routines but that's also the very thing that makes having guests tiresome. there's a fairly new big Goodwill about a half hour away that I have yet to go in to. my sister has though and she says it's nothing special, pretty much what you saw.

  8. Hudson made my heart leap! Thank you for that bit of joy. Sounds like another successful trip, you are a good son/brother, they will miss you terribly. Carrot cake pancake is a lot of cake, cake will save us all from despair. And Hudson, of course. You have such grand adventures!

  9. Hudson James is simply adorable. I grew up with an English Bulldog so I have a special place in my heart for them. I can just picture him drinking and then drooling. They are great doolers.
    I see Wells Fargo has a big presence in Jacksonville. I used to work for them (after a series of acquisitions).
    I hope your drive back to Tampa is pleasant. I always look forward to a long drive. There is something about the solitude and scenery that seems to be the perfect combination for relaxing.

  10. Hudson James perfectly fits the childish epithet "big fat slob". Which, unfortunately, reminds me of our president.

  11. Aww, look at that face! Your description of his behavior is funny. Sounds like a typical half-grown dog (or kid). I like his face colour - half and half.

    When I have to drive any distance, it's the 70s music I turn to. Those were my high school and university years and the music kind of takes me back to a good time in my life.

    Safe travels!

  12. I LOVE First Watch. What a menu!
    That dog is adorable (although count me out on owning a slobbery dog) and of course puts me immediately in mind of John Grey's Winnie.
    You're a perfect house guest - spending time on your own for some of the visit!
