Monday, September 2, 2019

Mad Dog

Having wasted all day Saturday in a medical torpor, I vowed to spend Sunday productively. I decided to take the dog to Wormwood Scrubs.

But of course, the universe conspired against me -- the overground trains weren't running from West Hampstead, and they're our usual method of transport to Wormwood Scrubs. So Olga and I turned tail and headed down the graffiti-lined Billy Fury Way toward our regular stomping ground, Hampstead Heath.

The Heath is still beautifully summery, even as we begin to slide into fall. There are hints of the changing seasons -- the temperatures are cooler and some of the horse chestnut leaves are starting to yellow.

Olga found a deep hole for joyful wallowing.

And then, as if that weren't enough, she found a mud bog with the blackest, nastiest mud I've ever seen. She not only climbed in, but submerged and lost her Kong toy -- which I then managed to retrieve, miraculously, using a long stick.

She looked like she had a bad blue-black dye job from the waist (?) down.

Needless to say, a bath was required when we got home.

You know how I've observed Olga slowing down on some of our recent Heath walks? Well, not this one. She was as crazy and energetic as a puppy. She didn't get a walk on Saturday, so maybe she had spare energy to burn!


  1. Olga in the hole, what a happy girl! Mud is good for a girls complexion they say, Olga knows these things. Delightful! I must say Olga in the hole is one of my all time faves! Brings mirth, so needed

  2. What a mucky pup!! She looks like she enjoyed it though!

  3. I see that that curly black donkey turd is there again - bottom right of the last picture. At first I thought that the hole was the opening of a badgers' sett.

  4. You are lucky Olga will let you bathe her. Our rescue boy (he was around 6 mos old when we got him) is absolutely terrified of water. I'm afraid someone might have tried to drown him (may they rot in hell) when he was a pup. We've a friend who is a gentle groomer who is trying to slowly address his fear, but so far only dry shampooing has been possible. Don't know what we would do if he got access to a mud bog. However, since he won't even go out if it is raining, it has not been an issue so far. Olga looks like she had a grand time in the mud.

  5. Dirty, DIRTY, happy girl!,
    I've always loved the name Wormwood Scrubs - sounds like a place in Harry Potter.

  6. That is one muddy dog! Happy, but muddy!

  7. Perhaps Olga is happy for the lower temperatures. I know I would be.

  8. Olga is such a cute little mess! Looks like she had a wonderful time.

  9. Olga in the hole is the best! She's such a hoot.

  10. I didn't notice your title. Olga a mad dog? Never!

  11. For some reason, dogs are so happy after wallowing in a large mud puddle! I wonder what is the charm of the mud? You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  12. Why, that dirty dog! But a happy one.

  13. It's so nice of you to indulge the wallowing. That's one happy dog.

  14. Olga! She sure knows how to enjoy herself.

  15. I love Olga's smile!! It IS rather a miracle that you were able to get her Kong back, I'd say - the shape of it isn't really conducive to stick-aided retrieval. It amazes me Olga doesn't get sick from the bog-wallowing. Dogs must have a different immune system or something.

    Fall gives me more energy. Maybe it does the same for dogs!

  16. Olga sure looks happy I bet she drew some attention as you walked her home luckily she doesn't mind getting a bath. I love dogs and post photos of them on line but mine hardly ever makes the page as he is so often knee deep in sh!!! and then fights me to get into the bath his favorite is something smelly to roll in.

  17. I really enjoy Olga... Poor Olga having to have a bath to wash off her adventure! Well that somehow only just adds to the appeal of FUN! I love her....
    Have an Awesome day!
