Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Coast is Clear

Apologies for jumping right into uncomfortable medical news, but yesterday was the day of my dreaded colonoscopy. I'm happy to report that the doctors found nothing unusual, despite my recent abnormal test. Apparently I am fit as a fiddle. Whew!

I won't bore you (or disgust you) with too many details. Let's just say the hours between about 7 p.m. Friday and 4 p.m. Saturday are best forgotten. I spent late yesterday morning lying in the sun on the lawn because I felt so cold. I tried to read the latest Robert Galbraith mystery but I couldn't stay very focused. Somehow I passed the time.

Dave and I made our way to the hospital about 2 p.m. and I felt very spacey. I got a sedative -- which amazingly included a tiny dose of fentanyl, the drug wreaking havoc among opioid addicts in the USA -- but I was more awake for this colonoscopy than for any of the previous ones. (This was my fourth. As I've related before, I have a family history of colon cancer so I have to be particularly careful.) I watched the whole thing on a monitor, and the doctor pointed out various features like a tour guide.
And when it was all over one of the nurses, Eva, brought me hot coffee and a package of cookies, and I was so grateful. Dave and I popped into Starbucks on the way home for more coffee and a pain au chocolat. Nutrition?! I don't need no stinkin' nutrition!

I wasn't supposed to drink last night but I did have a glass of wine with dinner. And now I'm back to normal and life goes on, with the specter of cancer banished. Apparently the NHS runs a bowel cancer screening program, and I have reached (or maybe I'm about to reach) the age where I should be offered periodic testing -- so that will make it easier for me to keep an eye on things.

Remember Martin the mouse?

We don't know whether this is Martin, grown large, or whether it's a new critter entirely. But in any case, it's a rat, not a mouse. Roy the rat. We've spotted Roy a few times outside on the grass around the bird feeders, and yesterday he managed to climb up into one of them, haphazardly threading his way through the branches of a nearby buddleia. We repositioned the feeder and we'll pull the buddleia's branches away from it and stake them, and hopefully that will discourage him. We definitely don't want a rat colony in our garden. Where are those foxes when we need them?!

Sorry this is such an unpleasant post -- a colonoscopy and rats! But hey, we deal with real life here at Shadows & Light.

(Photo: Artwork by Thierry Noir, in Hackney Wick, East London.)


  1. Great news about your hospital result.
    What a cute little ratty ! We had rat problems a few years ago in the garden, and I used to see one in the bird feeder from time to day the 2 dogs were underneath the feeder and I went out to shoo the rat away......ratty more or less dropped on their heads, but neither dog got it as it scuttled away. Both dogs originally bred as ratters!! Schnauzer and yorkie! A neighbour finally got a " rat man " in to put poison start with it was safely contained in boxes, but that didn't work, and unknown to us he buried some in a plastic bag under the hedge in our garden. Alexi, the schnauzer, managed to dig it up and luckily I spotted the next morning that his poo was blue/green and he was rushed off to the vet. ( Sunday morning so cost a fortune`!!). He was fine, but might not have been ! The Ratman gave us a refund and learnt a lesson I hope!

  2. Good news!
    I'm right off rodents today. Especially the mice on Goughs Is that eat the albatross chicks alive. Bastards! Death to all these mice.
    Rant over.

  3. "I watched the whole thing on a monitor..." Is there a video you can post? I am sure it would be a big hit on "YouTube". You could even add some background music. I suggest Offenbach's "Orpheus in the Underworld".

    Seriously though - excellent news! I can almost feel your relief.

  4. Yes, colonoscopies are better off when they are over. Congratulations on another negative result. I have had several c's too (every 3 years) and I am due another one later this year in fact - thanks for the timely reminder. The prep work in the last 24 hours is the worst part of it. I have never had the pleasure of watching the whole thing on TV like you. All mine have been while I was out to it. I know the stuff they give you is to only make you blurry, but every time they give it to me, I am out like a light. Bit like sleeping through late late shows on TV.

  5. Best news. Not about the Roy the Rat...the other good news. :)

  6. Great news! So glad you have that one behind you.
    It looks like dueling guitars in that mural. And, that rat is certainly an unwelcome guest. Here in Phoenix there has been a big rat problem the last few years. They call them "roof rats" because they jump from trees to roofs and find a place to move in. Luckily, I haven't experienced the little devils but, I know people who have. Between bed bugs and roof rats, the pest control people have got a lucrative business here.

  7. Congratulation on the good news from yesterdays test. I'm sure you're glad it's over for now. That's quite an unusual shot of a rat. I guess it gets hungry too. You have a wonderful day, hug, Edna B.

  8. Excellent news. I am happy for you!

  9. I am so happy for you, Steve! What a huge relief. And it's over and done for now. Fantastic!
    When I got a colonoscopy, I came home and slept for the rest of the day. When Glen got his? He came home, showered, and went to work. That man.
    That's a beautiful shot of Randy. Yes, he's a rat but it's a fine photograph.
    Thanks for letting us hear the good news.

  10. Odd how there is a big difference between rat and mice. Yuck. I don't want either but a rat gets me moving to eradicate much faster than a mouse does. Yours looks like he might be a cleaver chap.

  11. Great news! I'm happy to hear you immediately celebrated with cookies and pastry. A new lease on life.

  12. Oh the pleasures of the good old colonoscopy! I've had a few. I am completely out with what they give us here.

  13. glad to hear you got a clean bill of health. I've never had a colonoscopy and don't ever plan to. no history in my family. I do do the less invasive check by taking my own sample and sending it in. rats in the garden. not good.

  14. Glad to hear the colonoscopy went well. It is such an unpleasant experience, but always good to get them done. Roy looks to be a very smart rat. They really do know how to get to the food.

  15. that is the sweetest rodent photo! The drugs are pretty great for the "procedure", The Michael Jackson drug is the best at forgetting everything . It would help , I think, if during the "procedure" the medical staff would say encouraging and kind loving things to the patient. The mind is receptive then and can latch on to the slightest suggestions.

  16. Also LOVE getting good news! Thank you for being fit as a fiddle, sir!

  17. So good that you have a clean bill of health - I'm sure it's a huge load off your mind. For the only colonoscopy I've ever had, I was completely out. Went home and slept for the rest of the day. I wouldn't have minded seeing a video - I like stuff like that - but being knocked out was also fabulous.

    Roy is pretty photogenic, I must say :D

  18. Glad it all came out all right. (Sorry for that crass comment.)

  19. I'm so relieved and happy for you, Steve. That's great news!

  20. In Scotland we get a poo test in the post on or near your fiftieth birthday and at regular intervals from then on. Better to be safe than sorry and money saving to the NHS in treatments...Jessica.

  21. Woo hoo! And I need to track down the Galbraith. Ever since my fiction series tracker website got in trouble with Amazon I'm having a terrible time keeping up with newly published books in the series I follow.

  22. Well Rat Farts

    Had to be said. Wonderful news and very pleased to be reading this outcome. Preventive maintenance sure goes along way. Good On Ya!!!

    Also, You Science Photos Are Remarkable. Like WoW!!

    Stay Strong In September And Thanx Again For The Update,

  23. I'm glad the test went fine. The prep is a bitch though, isn't it?

    And rats? Yikes!

  24. I'm so glad that everything is okay!
