Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Hooo boy. We had quite the work party last night -- our regular departmental end-of-year bash, with an additional going-away speech for one of our librarians, who is moving to Myanmar. (And how cool is that?!)

We rented an upstairs room in a pub in Kilburn, which we had all to ourselves, and it started off amazing because the room had big windows and it was a sunny evening, and then after dark it remained amazing because there was a piano in the corner and one of my co-workers can play and sing.

Those of us who work in the library all collaborated on the send-off, which basically consisted of a list of the ways -- funny and not -- that we will miss our colleague. And then we drank, and some of us drank more, and a few of us drank even more. By the time I walked home, passing pedestrians seemed like mere dark, shadowy forms, like the train passengers in "Spirited Away." Let's just say I am feeling a bit fuzzy this morning.

We caught a seventh mouse yesterday! When will it end?!

(Photo: A rainbow created by a glass ornament hanging in one of our windows.)


  1. It's well-known that when librarians get together they have really wild parties. Wasn't Jimi Hendrix a librarian? Janis Joplin? And I am sure I heard that Keith Moon, Frank Sinatra and Bjork were all bibliophiles who liked nothing more than a romp through The Dewey System. You gotta party like a librarian!

  2. Oh my goodness! The librarians got crazy! Wish I could have been there.
    I hope it was fun.
    The mouse situation does seem a bit extreme. Rent-a-cat?

  3. Librarians know how to party. Hence all the rules about being quiet in the library. They know what is possible. Love the rainbow. Bummer about the mice. Hope you catch them all. Persistence furthers.

  4. Your work party sounds like fun! Except for the morning after, it sounds like a perfect send off. Everyone deserves a little partying from time to time.

  5. I have to start hanging out with more librarians.

  6. I can fully believe that librarians know how to party, because I've witnessed accountants in party mode :D

    I hope the fuzzy wore off relatively quickly!

  7. Isn't there a line about the prim librarian removing her old maidenly eyeglasses and unpinning her dark, lustrous hair so it wafts gently about her shoulders and then . . .

  8. Work parties with collegial colleagues and flowing alcohol are the best! If memory serves.

  9. Wild thing! Glad you were able to tie one on -- and seven mice is seven too many!

  10. On the subject of foxgloves Steve. I was thinking of getting some for my small garden but found out that they are poisionous to cats and dogs. Don't know if olga is a plant eater but thought it worth mentioning it to you.
